Welcome! To U.A.'s Hero Course!

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Richard was walking in the hallway looking for his classroom, when he suddenly came across Izuku. 

Richard:  Midoriya, hey. 

IzukU: Oh, Wayne, nice to see you. 

Richard: Izuku you can just call me Richard. 

Izuku: Oh! Okay then, Richard.

Richard: Follow me, our classroom is this way. 

Richard led izuku to a gigantic door with the number 1-A on it. 

Izuku: (Shocked)What a giant door.. 

Richard: It must be for people whose quirks affect their height. Shall we? (Begins to open the door)

Izuku: (Closes his eyes worried.) It'll be just the least from that group of examinees. (Thougts) Those scary guys.. Hope they're in the other class.. 

Richard slowly opened the door and came face to face with Bakugo and the kid with the glasses talking with each other.

Glasses? Remove your foot from that desk! Such an action is insulting to those who came before two UA before us as well as the crafts who made the dust!! 

Bakugo: Like I care. What middle school are you from, you extra? 

Izuku: (Thoughts)They're both here!! 

Ida: I - I'm from a Somei private Academy. My name is Tenya Ida. 

Bakugo: Somei?! A stuck up elitist, then? I should blow you to bits. 

Ida: (Offended) You're awful. Do you really wish to become a hero?! 

Richard walks up to Ida and puts a hand on his shoulder. 

Richard: Buddy, I've asked that question every single time I've talked to this guy. 

Bakugo: Shut it rich boy! 

Ida: I know you, you are Richard Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne aka the Batman.

Ida bows his head at Richard, who becomes a little uncomfortable. 

Ida: I'm sorry for what happened to your father, he was truly a great man and a Great Hero. 

Richard: (Smiles) Pick your head up and thank you for saying that.

Ida picks his head up and soon shuffles over to azuku. 

Ida: I'm from somay private Academy.. 

Izuku: I heard you before! Ah... I'm zuku Midoriya. Pleased to meet you, Ida. 

Ida: Midoriya you perceive dthe true nature of that practical thing. Well I did not..!! It looked like Ida began to look down on the himself, which made Izuku sweat drop a bit. I misjudged you!! I hate to admit it come up but you were the superior Canada! 

Izuku: I didn't perceive anything!! 

Richard look the people interacting and had only one thought - 

Richard: (Thoughts) This is going to be one interesting ye- 

Richard stopped as he saw a red-headed, scarred and brown haired boy looking at him. The glare was weird and it looked like he was angry at Richard, but he didn't even know him. Richard just puts his hand up to wave at the boy. 

Richard: Hey, I'm- 

The boy looks away from Richard, which confuses him even more.

Richard: (Thoughts) What is with this guy?

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