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TW: slight violence, captivity, physical violence (hitting people)

I wake to three men in my cell.

"What're you doing?" I mumble, still drowsy from sleep.

They ignore me, two of the men grab my shoulder roughly with one hand and unclasp my shackles with the other, while the other man stands, his hands behind his back.

I slowly lift my hands, wincing at the red welts on my wrists. "Why are you letting me go?"

"His Imperial Majesty King Elias of New Scovia requests your presence," the guard with his hands behind his back barks.

I perk up at that, barely able to mask my astonishment. What could he possibly need with me?

"So Elias is a king now," I say, a small smirk forming on my face.

The guard lifts his hand and strikes me across the cheek. I stumble back, unable to regain my footing, and fall onto the cool stone floor. I lift a hand to my cheek, wincing at the sting of the guard's leather glove.

"You will address the King accordingly, or face the consequences!"

The guardsman who hit me reveals a pair of metal shackles, complete with a chain. He roughly puts the shackles around my wrists, the cool metal causing gooseflesh to erupt on my arms and shoulders.

"What is this?" I say, my voice barely audible.

The guardsmen ignore me. One guard is behind me, keeping my arms pinned to my side. One stands beside me, I assume to tackle me if I break free. And, of course, one guard is in front of me, holding onto the chain.

"Rise," The guardsman on my side says.

I do as he says, not seeing a better option. The guardsman holding my chain pulls me forward, not enough to make me fall, but enough for me to stumble forward. I roll my eyes. These guards really don't know how to get a prisoner to cooperate. They take me through dank, winding hallways, steep staircases, and narrow halls before we reach the Throne Room.

And there he sits. Elias, with his crown perched on his dark, mussed hair, that familiar lopsided grin, and his eyes, those beautiful grey eyes, once full of laughter, now clouded with darkness. Elias, once my lover, before he stabbed me in the back. Quite literally, the scar is still there.

The guardsman tugged harshly on the chain, making me stumble and fall.

Chuckles swept throughout the room. "Silence," Elias said, raising a single, gloved hand.

I pushed myself up, my face flushed with embarrassment.

He addressed me, his eyes locked on mine. "Do you know why you've been brought here?"

I lock my jaw, irritated at his assumption. "No, Elias."

Gasps were heard everywhere. No one dares to address Elias so casually. "I was so very rudely woken by your guardsmen here, and they took me here, not telling me anything."

His eyes danced with amusement. "Hmm. Tragedy," he said, sarcasm leaking into his tone. "I guess I must brief you since my guards can't carry out a simple order."

I rolled my eyes. Elias loved theatrics.

"You have been brought here before me for your crimes, which include treason, the murder of a Royal Guard, arson, thievery, and vandalism. And yet, because of my mercy –" Mercy. Right. "– you have not been sentenced to a long and painful death."

"Yes, I know that. What is the point of this?" I ask, my arms gesturing to the setup.

"My point, which I would've gotten to already if you hadn't been so rude and interrupted me, was that I have given you an immense amount of mercy. And now I offer you a choice. Kneel before me and pledge your undying allegiance to the Republic. Of course, you would be on probation and constantly accompanied by a guard until I feel I can trust you. Or," He shrugs. "You can die."

I laugh. "That's not really much of an option, Elias. But if I must," I kneel, pledging my undying allegiance to the Republic. "I swear, on my life, that I will now and forevermore be loyal to the Republic. I will bear arms and fight when asked of me and I will –" I grit my teeth. "I will follow my merciful leader, His Imperial Majesty King Elias of New Scovia."

Elias addresses me, his face level with mine. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

I scoff. "No. But if you want me on my knees so badly, there are much better things I can do than this."

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