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TW: mentions of assault, blood, stitching

As always, mind your triggers!

The smell of coffee is always a comforting scent in my house. As I pour it into my mug, tendrils of smoke curling upwards, I hear a light knock on my door.

"Come on," I groan, setting my mug down. I walk to the door, keeping a brisk pace. Who would be awake at this hour, let alone knocking on my door? I wasn't exactly one for company, and everyone seemed to know that. It hurt, truly, to see people staring at me and keeping their distance, barely masking their hatred and fear. I know that I'd done some dreadful things, but I made sure it never hurt anyone. But people will hate whoever they're told to. It just happened to be me.

I open the door, expecting to see a Girl Scout or something. Instead, I see Cassandra on my doorstep, shivering and covered in blood. Her blood, I realize, after allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness. She's terrified, but of what, I don't know. Her brown eyes are unfocused and dazed — she's been drugged. She looks like she'd been assaulted, but by who? She stumbles into my house, her steps staggered and clumsy.

She's swaying slightly.

"...didn't know where else to go..." she mumbles before collapsing. I scramble to catch her, throwing my arms under her, and stopping her from hitting the floor.

Is a peaceful night too much to ask for?


I wake up in a vaguely familiar place.

"Morning, Cass." I twist my head around to see Kai sitting in an armchair, accompanied by his trademark cup of coffee. Wait — when did I land in Kai's house? Memories of everything come flooding back, and I throw off my blanket, lifting my shirt up to see if my wound was still there. Yep, still there.

Kai looks up when he sees my wound, concern etched on his face, but he doesn't say anything.

"How are you feeling?" Kai asks, rising from his armchair. I roll my eyes. He still acts like we're a couple.

"I'm fine, just a splitting headache and a few stab wounds. Oh, and I'm also very sore. Nothing major."

"A few stab wounds?" He shakes his head. "You're something else, Cass."

"Don't call me Cass," I say. "You lost that privilege the second you handed me over to the enemy."

"Whatever you say," he says, omitting my name altogether. "How many fingers?"

I roll my eyes. "Are you serious right now?"

"Yes, I'm serious! Just– just shut up and answer the question! Please," he exclaims, revealing his frustration.

"Five fingers," I say in a deadpan manner with a sigh.

"Okay, no concussion," he mutters to himself. Kai can't possibly think that's the only way to test for a concussion! Lucky for him, I know that I don't have a concussion. Since I've had enough to last a lifetime, I've become an expert in identifying concussions, for myself, at least.

"Can I see your stab wounds?" Kai asks. Since when did he become my caretaker?

"I'll show you one. That's it," I say.

"Show me three."


He holds my gaze for a moment, his green eyes boring into mine, before relenting.

"Fine. Deal."

I lift my shirt up slightly, revealing the stab wound on my abdomen, spatters of dried blood surrounding it.

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