a night out

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At Lunch.

I went through the first half of my day bored. I didn't have Tasha or Alexis in any of my classes, last year was that year. Last year I couldn't get away from them. If I didn't have a class with Alexis, I would have one with Tasha and vice versa. Now we only see each other at lunch.

"I bet you can't wait til last hour." Alexis joked.

"At least she get to see her boo, Aaron ain't even here. Like who doesn't come on the second day of school?"

"Obviously Aaron." I said.

Then Chris walked in with Jordan, they then sat down. It was weird cause Jordan was actually Tasha's cousin, and I've never seen anyone with Chris besides Leah. It was actually refreshing not seeing him with her.

"Maybe this year Chris wanna make friends." Alexis said noticing him.

"But with Jordan?" Tasha laughed.

Last Hour.

"Oh and I hope everyone is ready for their presentation tomorrow." Mr.Thomas said ending class.

"Mr.Thomas, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked walking up to his desk while everyone else walked out.

"Sure Ms.Johnson."

"Okay. Uhm I talked to Alexis and Tasha about their presentation and they didn't know what I was talking about."

"My last hour is English Honors Hour and it's also an hour and 45 minutes. That's an extra 45 minutes I don't have for the rest of my classes, I expect more from you guys."

"Meaning more work?"

"Exactly. Amina you've been one of my best students since freshman year, your grades are always on point so a little more work shouldn't be a problem especially for you." He smiled.

"I guess. Thanks Mr.Thomas."

"No problem." He then looked right passed me. "Can I help you Mr.Davis?" He asked.

I turned and noticed Chris had been standing there, I thought he would've left out with everyone else.

"I wrote a book last year, and I was wondering if I could use my book for my presentation." Chris asked.

"I think it would be easier to use a book that's already published, the presentation is tomorrow."

"But no ones read my book before, so if I can persuade them it'd be because of my presentation."

"I mean it's not like this is a contest on who's book will win." Mr.Thomas started. "I understand what you're saying but I still think you should stick to the easier way."

"Well it should be a contest then. I mean everyone would get a grade but you could pick like a top 3 and have the class choose the winner." Chris suggested.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea Mr.Thomas." I said joining their conversation.

"Well alright. I guess we can do it your way, but what would the winner get?" Mr.Thomas asked.

"Uh extra credit points?" I then suggested.

"And to pick our partner without you changing them." Chris added.

"Alright. Sounds like a plan, this is why you two are my favorites." Mr.Thomas smiled. "The winner will get extra credit points and to choose his or her semester partner without me interfering."

"Alright thanks Mr.Thomas, I'll see you tomorrow." Chris said walking out.

"Bye Mr.Thomas." I said following behind Chris.

Infatuation.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ