one month later

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Chris and I had been spending almost everyday with each other. We talked about family all the time because that was the most important thing to both of us. He was an only child just like me but his mom and dad were still together unlike mine. His grandma basically raised him until she died from cancer two years ago and he said ever since she died he haven't been the same but I didn't know how Chris was before.

"So how long have you known Tasha and Alexis?" He asked.

"My sixth grade year, we all met in middle school and I've loved them since."

He smiled, which was refreshing because even though we had been hanging out, Chris still never let his guard down. He was still a bit intimidating, he never really showed emotions and he barely wanted to open up.

"What about Leah?" I asked him.

"I've known Leah my whole life." He started. "She's basically family, my mom and her mom were best friends in high school."

I thought to myself how much I hated it when someone used that "basically family" excuse on me but Chris's seemed legit, and hopefully it was because I don't know how but I would be making Chris my boo.

"What's your idea of a perfect day?" He asked.

I laughed a little bit, why is this important? I mean I guess it is but there is absolutely waaaay more important things to discuss beforehand.

"Probably going to an art gallery or like a poetry slam, I don't know like I like to do different stuff."

"Yeah that's different alright." He laughed.

"Whatever, what about you?" I smiled. What's your idea of the perfect day?"

Then his phone started ringing, he looked down at the caller I.D.

"Hold on a second." He said.


He got up and left the room, we were actually in the room that I had woke up in last month. Every time we came into this room it reminds me of when I first found out I was in Chris's house. He seemed upset, it was so confusing that morning. Now that I'm getting to know him, he's like crazy reserved and serious all the time.

"Leah want us to go with her and Jordan bowling tonight." He said walking back into the room. "You wanna come?"

"Uh I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders. Did I really wanna go bowling with Leah? Then I wondered why did he have to take her phone call in the hallway? Like why was he trying to be secretive about it? Maybe I was over thinking.

"I honestly wasn't giving you a choice Amina." He smirked. "You're going." He demanded, his smirk was now gone.

He looked at me then walked towards the hallway. "Come on you gotta get changed."

I looked down and noticed I was still in his basketball shorts from last night. I had spent the night only because we were up working really late. This actually haven't been the first time. I would sleep in the all white room which I found out was his room and he would sleep in one of the guest rooms.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I joked.

"I have to get you home anyways, I don't want your dad to think I'm holding you hostage." He sighed.

When we pulled up to my house I honestly didn't wanna get out of the car. I've gotten used to Chris and his intimidating ways, I've gotten used to his presence and it made me wanna spend every second of every day with him I thought to myself.

"Ill be back around 8 to come get you." He got out and opened my door. "Make sure your ready." He then gently grabbed my hand to help me out of the car. He always did that, why? I don't know. At first it was pretty weird but now I've gotten used to that too.

"Yes sir." I said then disappearing into my house.

It was 5:45 p.m and my dad stopped me in the hallway.

"Amina we need to talk."

I knew by the tone in his voice that he was upset.

"Okay?" I said in my sweet, confused voice acting as if i didnt know what the problem was.

He gets angry whenever I spend the night out without asking and he gets really angry now knowing I'm staying at a guy's house. I've always been daddy's little angel so it was always easy to get out of trouble.

"Amina you really gotta start letting me know where you're gonna be. I can't be up worried about you all night, in a minute I'm not gonna let you leave this house."

"Daddy I'm always at Tasha's, Lexi's, or Chris house."

"And that's another thing, you're not spending another night with that boy. I haven't even met him and you've been running around all willy nilly with him."

"We're working on our biography. When have I ever hung with anybody but Tasha and Alexis?" I asked.

"That's not the point, you don't even call or text and that shit getting outta hand. So either start checking in or you ain't going out."

"But you know I don't get into any kind of," I started, but he had cut me off by raising his hand, that always meant stop talking Amina.

"End of discussion."

I went to my room and got in the shower, I threw on some black yoga pants and one of Chris's shirts. I've had so much of his stuff, and I've left so much of my stuff at his house, its been kind of crazy the last month.

I also threw on my brown bearpaws and a blue Nike pullover, I didn't wanna get all cute cause we were only going bowling. I did do my hair though, I wand curled it and put on some red lipstick.

I looked real chill but I was still cute though, I thought to myself. I looked at the clock and it was a quarter til. I went to my dad's room to let him know I was going out with Jordan, Leah, and Chris. At exactly eight the door bell rang and of course it was Chris, and standing right next to him was Jordan and Leah.

"So who vs who?" Jordan asked when we got to the bowling alley.

"Chris and I always bowl together." Leah said grabbing his arm. "So it's only right if it's us against you and Amina."

"Or." Chris said pulling his arm out of Leah's grip. "Me and Amina on one team." He then grabbed my hand, butterflies shot through my stomache. "And you and Jordan on the other team."

That was the second time Chris chose me over Leah, I jumped for joy on the inside but of course I kept my composure.

"That sounds like a plan to me." Jordan agreed.

"First she's your semester partner now she's your bowling partner, great." Leah said sounding a bit bitter.

I gave her a little smirk after her little comment. I don't know who this bitch thought she was but what I did know was her little slick comments was getting on my last nerves.

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