that's a bold move.

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We ate in silence, he didn't say a word and I was still in shock about what was just said. After we ate we also drove back in silence, he had Beauty Behind The Madness blasting on the radio.

"You should really think about what I said Amina." He said when we pulled up in front of my house, he then got out to open my door.

Later That Night.

So of course I asked Tasha, Alexis, Mariah, Amber, and Nyla to come over so I could tell them about everything that happened from Saturday night til when Chris dropped me back off today. Everyone brought clothes so they could spend the night.

"So he knows how to paint?" Amber asked.

"Yes, like really well."

"Aw, and y'all painted together? How adorable!" Tasha said sounding a little too excited for me.

"& let's not forget him telling her, she could be bae." Mariah added.

"Why did it seem like Leah was hating though, like am I the only one that peeped that part?" Alexis asked.

"Naw I peeped, she probably just mad Chris ain't all on her dick no more. That nigga be with Mina 24 fucking 7." Tasha agreed.

"I know right! We can barely get in contact with this bitch any more." Alexis said throwing a pillow at me. "Always with Chris ass."

I smiled. "Y'all, I really like him. Like I really really like him."

"Yeah we know." Nyla joked.

It was crazy because at first I liked him from afar, and now as I was getting to know him it was a different type of vibe when I was around him and I was loving every minute of it.

The Next Morning.

I woke up to no text messages, which was weird cause Chris always sent me good morning texts. I dismissed the thought and I hopped in and out the shower. I put on some dark blue jeans that hugged my body, a black camisole that made my boobs look great, and a burnt orange sweater but I didn't button it up all the way, only cause my boobs looked so good in that cami. I wand curled my hair, put on eyeliner, mascara, and of course my red lipstick. I through on some knee high boots and left.

"Who you tryna look cute for?" Tasha asked while handing me coffee, as soon as I got out of the car.

"Myself." I lied. "I look cute though?"

"You lying. We all know you tryna look all cute for Chris." Alexis peeped.

"Fine." I smiled. "Maybe just maybe I wanted to look cute because I might tell Chris I wanted to be his girlfriend."

"You might?" Alexis asked.

"Bitch you better! He made it clear that he wanted to fuck with you."

I checked my phone still no text from Chris, so I sent him one.

Good morning (;

Maybe that was too plain? But what else am I supposed to say?

"How are things with you and Aaron?" I asked.

"Things are okay, ever since we became boyfriend and girlfriend its been different though like he was all extra sweet and adorable. Now it's all boring and stuff." She answered.

She had said more than I expected. Usually when I asked her answer was "Oh we're doing fine."

"Well have you told him that?"


"Why not?" Alexis asked.

"I will in due time. I actually have to meet with him before first hour so I'll talk to you guys later." She then walked off.

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