15. Rescue team jasper

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"Count me in." I stood up.

"Y/n, you can't." Clarke repeated herself. "You're to stay here."

Bellamy called out to this guy named Atom to take care of his sister Octavia. "I don't need a babysitter." Said Octavia.

And she got up and left, Atom following her. Bellamy grabbed my arm. "I'd be more comfortable knowing you were keeping her company." Bellamy whispered to me.

I was a bit surprised by this comment. Why me? Whatever. "Get better." He said and then swiftly left with his man candy, Murphy to follow Wells and Clarke.

I guess I was just stuck being here. Everyone in the camp was sort of doing their own thing. Since both of our leaders were gone. I didn't really have anyone else to talk to except Monty or Octavia. I knew the people that left to rescue Jasper were going to take all day. I couldn't do much with my leg, so all there was left to eat was nuts that Monty had gathered up. Once we had announced that there were other people killing us like they did Jasper, we got scared. They started building a wall. But since I couldn't help because of my injury; I couldn't lift heavy things, they just put me on duty to separate the dirt from the nuts.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey." It was Octavia. "You're not the only one who they didn't let go hm."

"Yeah, cause of your brother." I replied back.

"I don't really know anyone else here, and me and you were together on that voyage where Jasper got hurt in the first place." I chatted with her for a bit. But overall it was just work and talk. 

"Hey, guys, the wall's not gonna build itself." It was that guy Atom.

"Walls won't stop what's out there. We need weapons." Octavia said back.

"So build weapons. Look... your brother wasn't kidding about that. He'll hurt them."

"Come on. You guys are just talking." I said.

"You're too hot to be my brother's bitch." Octavia blustered out.

"I'm no one's bitch."

"Mmm. Good. Then prove it. Come with me." And there I saw Octavia leaving into the dropship, with Atom following. I guess we knew who was going to be occupied. I looked over at Monty.

"Hey, you okay?"

He looked confused. "Me? I'm the one who should be asking you that. How's your leg."

I stiffened. "If I limp a bit, it doesn't hurt at all. But just as long as it doesn't get infected, I think I'll be fine. But are you okay? About Jasper?"

"He may not be my real brother. But he's always been there. Every memory I have, there's Jasper. I should be out there."

"You're not gonna cry, are you?" I said to lighten the mood.

"Shut up." After an hour or so, Monty came up with this idea of contacting the Ark; since I told him I remember recollecting a radio being down there. We went inside and Monty got to work on it.

"Let's do it. Aah! Ow! Son of a bitch." He said. "Sorry. Dead."

"Oh, damn it. If we can't even take it off, how do you expect to turn it into a radio?"

"That you got to have patience." He replied.

"Hey, Monty? Jasper would understand why you stayed."

You could see the worry in his eyes. "Yeah, if he makes it out alive."

The rest of the evening was a boring one. Everyone was working on a wall, tired and hungry, dirty. I tried washing my hair, no one had extra clothes or underwear. It was until nighttime hit that they came back. They were carrying a large body; Finn and Wells. I was next to Monty; "is he..."

"He's alive. I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." And they left including Monty along with Finn into the dropship.  Meanwhile on the entrance, were Bellamy and Murphy, carrying a large bag. I went over to get a closer look. They dropped it down and it revealed a panther like animal.

"Who's hungry!" Bellamy screamed to the crowd. Everyone cheered. Someone had started a large fire while other were skinning and cutting away from the panthers flesh; it was disgusting.

I saw Finn and Clarke with Monty next standing watching Bellamy take control everything. You could see the hunger in his eyes.

Talk with Finn - pg. 29

Talk with Bellamy - pg. 30

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