46. Charlotte is innocent

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"Charlotte was scared. That doesn't mean she had to die for it!" I said.

"What are you saying?" Clarke said.

"Charlotte is innocent." I said. Some people groaned, others yelled that it was bullshit.

Bellamy budded in, "Wells may be missing but--."

"Wells is dead!" Someone yelled.

"Who killed Wells?"

"Charlotte didn't do it!" I insisted. "She's been locked up in the dropship this whole time. Now the crowd was saying it was one of us. Saying the knife it did belong too was John Murphy's. "We don't even know that it was him." I spat.

"Oh yeah?" Clarke said. "He hated Wells."

"He tried to kill Jasper." Octavia added. Slowly, people started to gather around Murphy.

"Hey, you guys. I was here the whole time!" He began.

"Bullshit! I saw him sneak outside camp last night!" Someone yelled in the crowd. Now I couldn't tell if that's really what they saw or if they were making up lies.

Murphy looked at Bellamy desperately. "Bellamy, c'mon. You're gonna let them talk to me like that?" But all he got was arms crossed and a silent mouth. And to no ones surprise, suddenly Murphy sprinted off towards the exit of the camp.

"Don't let him escape!" One of the people yelled. But it was still late, Murphy had darted out the open entrance.

"Grab weapons, we're going after him!" Bellamy announced. All the guys got excited and yelled.

"Weapons? What are you doing?" I said to him. You could tell his ego was high now.

"Taking a life for a life."

"You can't be serious. Bellamy I saw you with Atom, I know you're not a killer!" I pleaded.

"Yeah well this one deserves it." And he left rushing off with the group. I followed as well as Finn and Clarke. They were also trying to stop this too.

"Murphy, where are you! I know you're hiding. And we're going to get you!" They yelled haunting at Murphy. We searched for about an hour, the sun had already set. Bellamy was telling half of us to head back to camp if they weren't going to take part in the killing. But we refused.

"Bellamy, you can still stop this!" I spat at him.

"Just stop it, Y/n! Get off my fucking back." He yelled at me.

"Hey!" Finn shoved him. "You can't talk to her like that."

"Guys stop it!" Clarke budded in between them. "We need to focus on the real problem. What we're going to do when we find Murphy."

"Found him." Bellamy said looking straight. He sprinted after him. Shortly after, the rest of the crowd, Murphy was already on the ground, bleeding badly through his face. Bellamy on top of him. "Admit it! You killed Wells!" He continued to punch him.

"Bellamy, stop! You're gonna kill him!" I tried to grab his arm. "Get off me! He deserves to die." He yelled.

"No! We don't decide who lives and dies. If we want to live here, we can't just go by 'whatever the hell we want'. We need rules."

Bellamy rose up and wiped his face with his hand. "And who makes those rules, huh? You?"

"For now, we make the rules. Okay?" I said quietly.

"So now what? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?" He said loudly in my face.

"Hey back off of her." Finn began but Bellamy brushed him off. This Bellamy scared me.

"No. We banish him." Clarke budded in.

Bellamy suddenly pulled Murphy from the ground. "Get up." He dragged him towards the edge of the cliff.

"Bellamy! Stop!" I cried.

"If I ever catch you near the camp, we'll be back here. Understand?" He threatened in a low voice. He threw him on the muddy ground. And left the scene. Quickly after, he clutched my wrist and pulled me back into the woods with anger. We trekked back to camp before anyone else. Although his grasp on my wrist was too hard now. "Bellamy, you're hurting me," I whispered. He stopped and stared at me. He immediately let go.

"Sorry." He murmured. After a petty minutes of strolling through the wet forest. We walked the rest in silence. When we all reached camp, the same crowd surrounded around Bellamy and I. He then explained John Murphy's banishment.

"Anybody got a problem with that?" Bellamy hailed but everyone remained unspoken. He nodded indicating the meeting was over and everyone walked back to their sleeping tents and bags leaving only me and him standing beside each other. He stared at me. "Are you going to be okay?"

"It's too recent." Was all I said. Now, every time I saw his eyes, I saw him yelling at my face.

"Charlotte is another problem. Keeping her there means less spots for people to sleep in."

"So what, we just let her go?" I asked.

"Well we can't banish her. She's just a little girl. But for now, we keep her locked up. Ensured that she'll get no one else. Unless if we need that space, she'll be there." Bellamy explained.

"Alright, fine." I said. I felt him gently touch my hair but I pulled away.

"Y/n." It was Finn. He stood standing there. He saw Bellamy reach for me, definitely. He was jealous.

From there, Bellamy quickly left to inside his tent. Finn walked towards me. "You alright? That dick is no longer gonna be here."

"I don't want to talk about it right now." I said.

Finn understood. "C'mon." And he lead me to inside the dropship. It was a little scene. Monty was sitting down in front of a table working on what seemed one of our bracelets. Finn, Octavia, Clarke and Jasper were also there.

"What's going on here?"

"Monty the genis might be able to talk to the Ark. Thought that might cheer you up." Finn said quietly. He was truly kind.

"Will we be able to talk to them?" I asked Monty.

"No. More like Morse Code." He said. He looked back at his friend, Jasper. "You want to do the honors?" He gave Jasper a tool in which he grabbed it. "That port right there." Monty pointed to where Jasper should put the tool. He did it gently and steady. Finn and I were for sure knowing it was going to work. I could feel the relief already coming. But unfortunately, there was a big spark. Not only on that model bracelet, but a burning sensation on my risk, and everyone else's for that matter.

If with Finn - pg. 49

Continue elsewhere - pg. 50
If with Bellamy - pg. 51

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