48. Lie

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"We believe, that it was the grounders." I stated.


"How do we know it was the girl again?" They shouted from the larger gathering crowd.

"Charlotte has been kept locked in the dropship." Bellamy talked in.

"Wells has been missing since the morning. On his injury, he couldn't have gone far." I said.

"So you're saying we should go and search for him?"

Bellamy stepped beside me. "No. We are not going to be searching for someone who is probably dead. The grounders killed Wells. We'll leave it at that." He had dismissed the crowd, he was walking away. I quickly followed.

"What are we going to do with the girl?" I asked him.

"That doesn't include you." He said. Why was he so rude sometimes.

"Funny how it did include me when I saw it all happen."

"Wow." He said sarcastically. "Yeah you saw Wells get his throat slashed. Only for him to die a few days later anyway." He said.

I rolled my eyes and left. I didn't want to be around him right now. Not when he was acting like this. Drunk in charge.

Days had passed since the incident. We still didn't know what to do with Charlotte. We knew she was a dangerous person, if she was just a little girl. Although Bellamy argued that she was just misunderstood, claiming his fault and poor choice of words affecting her actions. One late afternoon, I had walked into the dropship. It was a little scene. Monty was sitting down in front of a table working on what seemed one of our bracelets. Finn, Octavia, Clarke and Jasper were also there.

"Hey." I said to Finn. "What's going on here?"

"Will we be able to talk to them?" I asked Monty.

"No. More like Morse Code." He said. He looked back at his friend, Jasper. "You want to do the honors?" He gave Jasper a tool in which he grabbed it. "That port right there." Monty pointed to where Jasper should put the tool. He did it gently and steady. Finn and I were for sure knowing it was going to work. I could feel the relief already coming. But unfortunately, there was a big spark. Not only on that model bracelet, but a burning sensation on my risk, and everyone else's for that matter.

Continue elsewhere - pg. 50
If with Bellamy - pg. 51
If with Finn - pg. 49

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