34. Run for Atom

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I had one last look at Bellamy, "I'll catch up with you."

"Y/n what are you doing?" He yelled at me but still headed to the cave.

I looked down at Atom, his leg was stuck in between a log. I quickly tried to move his leg out of the log and successfully did. "Who's there?" Atom said, his voice was scared but filled with relief now that he was unstuck. "Y/n?" When he looked at my face.

He quickly rose up, "c'mon." I said quickly, reaching out to the closet cave. I felt like we ran as fast as we could, but I felt sudden intense pain through all of my back and legs and eventually fell onto my knees and the hard ground floor. All around me I could see was green. I could only see me on the ground with Atom's body laying a few feet away from me. That was the last thing I saw. The horror struck me not when I felt burning pain and yelled horribly all throughout my body, but when I couldn't see or barely hear.

I knew in that moment I was dead. Well, not yet fully. I wanted the pain to end, I could rasping breathe, was all I managed to do. Hours passed upon what felt hundreds of hours. I heard a faint scream and felt the footsteps upon the ground. I could feel people all around. I could barely hear anything unless it was up close to me. I could sense someone breathing and getting close to me. "I'm so angry you did this to yourself." The only voice thé was recognizable was Bellamy's.

I let out a wavery gasp, "kill me." All I know is after a while, I stopped feeling pain. I stopped feeling anything.

I was dead.


Bellamy brought you and Atom's body back to the drop ship. The whole camp was in shock, only when Bellamy was alone was he angry: punching and kicking a hard surface like a tree at night. He was angry he lost her. Even though he'd only met her for a couple of days. She was so much potential, he thought. But she was dead and never coming back; you were dead. Bellamy was going to have to move on.

The end. You unlocked ending #2. Re-read the story to find out different choices & endings!

If you don't like this ending, you can go to the alternative choice: Follow Bellamy into cave - pg. 32
Restart game - pg. 1

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