Exceptionally Kind

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"I'd opened my eyes to an unfamiliar, dilapidated and dark street.
Sinister, stormy clouds loomed overhead like a thick blanket, blocking out what little illumination the moon had provided.
I tried to cry out, but only a small whimper came out. It felt as though I'd lost my voice completely.
I called out your name weakly, staring helplessly at your unmoving body that lay a few feet from me.
I tried to go to you, but I couldn't move a muscle. It was as if some invincible force was holding me in place..."

"Uhm... Are you sure it wasn't a nightmare?"
Sandra, who was seated by the fireplace asked, raising an elegant brow.

Irene sighed softly, putting down her cup of steaming cocoa.
"You're here to listen. Not ask unnecessarily annoying questions."

"Fine fine. Proceed."

"Thank you." Irene smiled.
"After that, I heard an ear-piercing scream that made my heart almost stop. I looked ahead and saw my sister, Grace.
She was struggling to walk, her arms outstretched, reaching for me. She looked to be in pain...
Other figures began to emerge from the neverending darkness. I saw my father, Diamond, Leo, and Vin-"

"Wait wait, wait a damn minute."
Sandra cut her off again, frowning perplexedly.
"Why are you seeing—"

"God Sandra. You're such a piece of work!" Irene cut her off in disdain, throwing a nearby couch pillow that Sandra dodged at the last second.
"Just let me finish talking would you!"

Sandra raised her hands in resignation. "Okay okay, jeez."

"They were all wailing in what I assumed was pain. I covered my ears, as their screams were getting louder and louder..." Irene paused
"Then I saw him."

"... I'm I supposed to know who you're talking about bestie?" Asked Sandra

"He was dressed in all white, smiling at me." Irene continued, seeming not to hear Sandra's question.
"The smile wasn't sinister or sweet. It was just... neutral. He then whispered something to me. I shouldn't have been able to hear him because of all the screams, and the fact that he stood a few feet from me, but I did."

Sandra put down her own cup, gazing intently at her friend. "And what did he whisper?" She asked curiously.

"'Tick tock, tick tock.'" Irene answered absentmindedly.

Silence reigned for a while before the front door swung open, and a nearly dressed man walked in. It was difficult to see his expression in the candlelit mansion, but his demeanor wasn't at all pleasant.

The girls both turned their heads, but the person ignored their presence, heading upstairs without a word to them.

"How on Earth is he not cold?" Sandra whispered after the sound of a door closing from upstairs.
She'd noticed the man had only been wearing black trousers, and a shirt whose first few buttons were undone.

Irene shrugged. "Honestly... I don't know."

Sandra raised a brow playfully. "Rena dear, he's your husband, you should kno-"

"No! I shouldn't know." Rena snapped, an irritable look crossing her face.
"I shouldn't know because I really don't know that man..."

"Yeah. That's normal when you randomly marry a person you barely know, and apparently despise, just because you got threatened by some... Person..." Sandra trailed off but stopped noticing Rena's expression.
"Don't look at me like I'm the insane one Ren. That title may belong to you." Shrugged Sandra.

"Maybe you're right..." Rena spoke, more to herself than to Sandra.
"I am insane."

She glanced upstairs, a million questions popping up in her head. But the most important of them all, was why Darien Villarreal had agreed to marry her.

She recalled the conversation that had led up to their unforeseen marriage.


She was seated on a dying log of a tree. It was almost two in the morning. The night was cold, but that was the least of her worries. She couldn't sleep after the nightmare so she decided to walk into the dark forest near her house.

It was kind of her 'thinking place.'

Suddenly, Rena saw a figure from the corner of her eye. She turned her head slowly and her body went numb. It was the guy from her dream- or nightmare.
The nightmare where all her loved ones suffered while he stood there, almost in a taunting manner. She was more than sure he was the cause. And it wasn't the first time she'd seen him that week either, in both her dreams and the real world.

He was still dressed in white, wearing that neutrally unsettling smile she'd somewhat gotten used to.

Just like before, he mouthed the same words to her, this time gesturing at the watch on his hand.
'Tick tock, tick tock.'

She had less than twelve hours to find a husband now...

The figure disappeared in an instant and Rena clutched her head, groaning in frustration.
"Ugh! How I'm I supposed to find a husband in less than a day?!"

"You need a husband?"
Darien's gravely calm deep voice almost made her jump.

She swiftly turned her head.
"You..." Rena said, her gaze scanning him, an unpleasant look on her face. She wasn't in the mood to deal with him at all. Even though looked exceptionally alluring that night, as if he'd been sent there that night, solely to tempt her...

"How long have you been standing there?" She glared.

He took a seat beside her, seemingly to relish in her annoyance.
"Long enough." He answered, his head tilted up, gazing up at the starless night sky. "And I heard you say you need a husband. So here I am."

Rena almost choked on air when she heard him.
How on Earth did he even find her?! Was he stalking her? It wouldn't be impossible... She'd only met him a few weeks ago, and it seemed to be his life mission to drive her insane.

Rena's glare increased, her arms folding and eyes squinting accusingly. "What makes you think I'd marry you? And anyway, why would you even want to marry me? Also, what are you getting out of this?" Her series of questions made him look directly at her. The intense stare of his deep winter grey eyes made her abruptly stand, her gaze directed as far from him as possible.
"This whole conversation shouldn't even be happening!"

There was silence for some time before he finally spoke.
"For one, you're desperate." He said it as if it was a known fact.
"As for your last two questions," He also stood coming face to face with her.
"I simply want to help."

Rena gave him a suspicious glare, and for some reason, he smirked.

"What can I say?" He shrugged.
"I'm feeling exceptionally kind tonight."


"Kind..." Rena smiled sarcastically.
"Yeah right!" She gulped the last half of her hot cocoa in one go.

She however failed to notice Darien on the balcony, watching her silently, an amused glint shining in his eyes.


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