Just Happened

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It was almost sunset and Rena had barely gotten past the gate when a figure jumped in front of her car.
Her car came to a screeching halt just in time, and she thought she hadn't hit anyone...

All the same, she stepped out of the vehicle. Lewis-one of the bodyguards- joined her as they walked to the front of the car.

Rena was surprised to see a woman laying down on the concrete ground, seeming distressed.
As she looked closer, she recognized the woman.

"Oh, my baby girl!" The woman called out, seemingly struggling to stand.

"M- mother?" Rena stuttered, almost in disbelief.

"Won't you come help your poor mother darling?" She stretched out her hand dramatically.

Rena snapped out of her shock and knelt next to her mother.
"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine dear. Though I am a bit shaken up."

"What are you-"

"Of course, I'm here to see you silly!" She playfully pinched Rena's cheek, finally getting to her feet, her arm placed around Rena's shoulder for support.
"Can't a mother visit her daughter?"

"...Sure," Rena said, still a bit unbelieving.
Felicia, as she expected, hadn't changed. She was nearing her fifties but still looked no older than forty. Her hair still looked as blonde and shiny as Rena recalled it, and her light brown eyes still shone with life.

Rena hadn't seen her mother for over three years.
The last time she'd seen her, she had come for the opening of 'D.I.E' (Diamond Inspired Events), Rena's event planning business.

"Do you need any help, Mrs. Villarreal?" Lewis approached, looking to lend a helping hand.

Rena bit her inner lip at the way Lewis had addressed her.
"You don't have to address me so... Formally, Lewis."

"Sorry, Master's orders," Lewis replied respectfully.

She'd heard that before... From practically all the workers in the mansion for the past two days.

"Did your boss also order you to be unbelievably rude to your visitors?!" Felicia suddenly barked, glaringly viciously at Lewis.

For a moment, it seemed as if she'd regained all her strength, and was ready to attack.

"Mother please don't be-"

"Don't defend this lowlife Irene!" She scowled.
"I had come to see you a while back, and they had the NERVE to stop me! Saying I wasn't permitted to enter the premises!"

Lewis turned apologetically to Rena. "Sorry, Ma-"

"Master's orders. I get it." Rena smiled understandingly.

Lewis gave a grateful nod, ignoring the piercing look from Felicia.

"Would you please put my car back in the garage? I need to take mother inside." Rena tossed her car keys to Lewis, before proceeding to walk back into the house with Felicia limping lightly beside her.

Felicia however wasn't satisfied. "Aren't you going to say anything else to him?! He practically kicked me out of my daughter's house!"

"Come on mother, just let it go," Rena said assuredly, though she knew she was practically wasting her words. Of course Felicia wouldn't let it go.

Mother and daughter sat together in the living room, though on different couches.

"I can't believe you got married Irene. And without telling your own mother!" Felicia said, taking a small sip of the tea she'd ordered to be brought to her. She stared inconspicuously at the ring on Rena's finger.
"I wouldn't even have found out it wasn't for-" Felicia paused, rethinking her words.
"Ugh, never mind... Why did you do it, Irene?"

"I'm sorry mother. I guess it just happened." Rena shrugged, busy on her phone.
She had to inform her assistant, Velma, that she wouldn't make it to work.

"Just happened?!" Snarled her mother.
"What do you mean 'just happened'?"

"I've been seeing him for a while and I thought it's time I settled down..." Rena lied, hoping her mom wouldn't notice.
She didn't. Or she just didn't care.

"Ethan won't be happy about this," Felicia commented, sounding a little less concerned than she'd wanted to.

Rena paused. She hadn't thought about how she'd tell her father about her sudden status.
She couldn't anticipate his reaction either, being that he was as unpredictable as... Her husband.

"Though I must admit, you have great taste." Felicia's expression changed in an instant as her eyes scanned the place almost greedily.
"This is way better than your other house."

Rena sighed, she'd held hope within her that her mother had changed. Even just a little.
Once again she was left disappointed, in herself more than Felicia. She asked herself why she even bothered hoping in the first place.

"Irene, where is this husband of yours anywa-"
Felicia's sentence was cut short as the main door swung open.

Rena blinked, and she found herself wrapped securely in Darien's arms, as he carried her out through the back door of the house, and into a car.
She was too dumbfounded to even form a sentence at that moment, much less ask what was going on...

The car had been on the road for quite some time, passing through a thick forest that seemed to stretch out for miles.
Rena finally glanced at her so-called husband. His blunt expression seemed to tell her that he didn't need her asking questions for the moment.
It was unlike her, VERY much so, but she decided to stay silent.
If he was kidnapping her, which she highly doubted, she wouldn't be able to escape anyway. Plus, she'd sort of stayed with him for the past two days. If he'd wanted to, he would've done it long ago.
Especially on that cold night in that dark forest.

After a first, second, and third yawn, Rena's eyes slowly closed as she fell into a peaceful sleep.

Darien glanced at her. A guilty look crossed his face.


Darien placed the sleeping beauty gently on the bed, covering her with a blanket.
He should have left after that, but he didn't.
He stayed.

He gently moved the red locks of hair that were blocking his full view of her delicately beautiful features.
His lips curved in a sad smile, thought his eyes lit up as though he was looking at his most beloved.

"Forgive me, Irene, I'm just too selfish when it comes to you." He whispered.
The serene look in his eyes was instantly replaced by relatively distant agony.


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