A Witch

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"I missed you senseless!"

Diamond's soft breathy voice rang pleasantly in Rena's ears.

"Me too!" The eight-year-old girl squealed, joining the heartfelt hug.

"I missed you both more." Rena tightened her hold on them.

"I see we have guests." Xander walked up to them, his carefree smile ever present.

"Hi, I'm Evelyn, but you can call me Eve." Eve glanced happily at her mother.
"And this is my mum Diamond. Isn't it a pretty name? Just like her?"

"Indeed." Xander smiled.
"I'm Xander. It's a pleasure to meet you both." He smiled pleasantly at them.

Diamond gave a polite smile, reaching out to shake his held-out hand.

Rena inwardly rolled her eyes. How could anyone guess that man was such a menace?

"Now, Eve, wanna get away from these boring adults? How about I introduce you to Spike?" Xander grinned cheekily at the little girl.

"Sure!" Eve answered eagerly, not even knowing who Spike was.

Rena gave Xander a look, letting him know she didn't trust him one bit. He returned her look with a smug smile, then walked off with Eve.

Diamond held Rena's hand assuredly.
"She'll be fine."

Rena smiled at the irony of the situation. She should have been the one assuring Diamond since she'd been there longer.
Rena knew Diamond had a sort of sense for people, so she relaxed.

Diamond turned serious.
"We have a lot to talk about."


The two ladies sat on an antic bench in the garden. The leaves were a pleasant autumn shade.

"So... You're married." Diamond said.

"Yes. Thank you for stating the obvious Daya." Rena said using Diamond's childhood nickname for her.

"May I know... Why?" Asked Diamond.

"I... You won't believe me."

"Try me."

"I think... Well, Xander threatened me into it. I don't know how, or why, but I'm not crazy Daya." Rena looked pleadingly at her friend.

Diamond smiled understandingly, not a single sign of judgment crossed her face.
"Tell me everything. From the very start."

"Alright." Rena sighed.
"The first time I saw him, was about one week ago."


Rena stormed out of the bakery. Before she could get too far, she collided with someone.

"Watch where you're going!" Rena hissed angrily at the stranger dressed in white.
"Sorry." She sighed guiltily.
"Someone just wants to drive me insane."

Darien had yet again found a way to make her livid. He'd deliberately bought the last strawberry cake. It was her assistant Velma's birthday, and being the good boss she was, decided to get her a cake. But her plans seemed to crumble at the last second. She was sure he did it just to annoy her.
It should have only mildly annoyed her, but no, she was fuming mad.

"Sounds to me like he might be your soulmate." The stranger said, much to Rena's shock and indignation.

She stared at his carefree expression. His hands in his pocket, brown messy hair, and sharp features.
If it was any other time, she would've mentally complimented on his good looks, but it wasn't. The man had added to her already rising ire.

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