Not Questioning

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Leo's evening party was held in a private garden, located somewhere far from the city. It was a small gathering, reserved only for friends and family.

Rena found Leo in a secluded spot, staring absentmindedly at the small lake that reflected the starry sky above.


Leo turned and saw Rena beaming at him. She looked exceptionally alluring with her light blue cocktail dress and matching heels.
"Happy birthday." She said unsurely.
She didn't recall there ever being such tension between them.

"I'm sorry I—"

Her apology was cut short.
Leo took her in his arms, embracing her in an emotional hug. Rena was one of the few people he considered family, he didn't liked being at odds with her at all.

Rena was pleasantly surprised, but she hugged him back all the same.

Rena slowly pulled away, gazing at him bemusedly.
"You're not mad at me?"

"I was of course I was hurt that you didn't bother telling me... But seeing you here, safe and sound, is more than I can ask for Ren." He smiled warmly at her.
"We do need to talk though." He added seriously.

"I missed you." Rena unexpectedly hugged him again, an aching feeling creeping up on her.

Leo frowned worriedly.
"Are you sure everything's alright?" He asked, gently stroking her hair.


"So you've finally made up." Sandra appeared, a pearly white smile on her face.

"I told you, didn't I Sandy?" Vinnie came up to the trio, also beaming.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?!"
Sandra glared at a smiling Vin.

"Sorry." He shrugged, unbothered.

Rena's mood instantly lifted upon seeing her friends again, but the feeling of impending doom stuck well with her.

"Did you see Diamond and Eve yet?" Rena inquired, her gaze on Sandra.

Sandra's eyes lit up.
"Are they really back?! I thought these two were just pulling my leg!"

"They are." Rena smiled.

"What are we waiting for then?!"

The four friends returned to the party, smiling and laughing, happy to be in each other's company.

"One moment I was sleeping in bed peacefully, and the next I was being dragged out of bed, in my pajamas might I add, by one of the bodyguards..." Sandra explained.

Rena's brows lifted curiously. "Then?"

"Then I was taken home, and told not to worry about you, and that I would see you again soon." Replied Sandra.
"What really happened though?"

"Apparently, there was some kind of danger..." Rena shrugged.

Sandra twirled the drink in her hand, then asked a minute later,
"Could he be involved in some Mafia-type sh*t?"

Rena sighed knowingly.
"I think you watch way too many movies Sandra."

A look Rena hadn't seen in a while crossed Sandra's face.
"I think you need to think more clearly. You're not questioning anything that's been going on and it's really concerning Irene."

Rena sighed, sensing the rare seriousness in her friend's tone.
"Honestly I..." Rena paused.
A familiar figure passed them by.

"Wait, I'll be right back." Rena slipped away, leaving a confounded Sandra behind.

Rena followed the familiar figure, the bad feeling returning to haunt her.
Before she knew it, she was back at the lake area she first saw Leo.

The woman turned to face her. "Daughter! I'm so glad to see you!"

Rena's heart skipped in fear, all the color draining from her face.

"Mother? What are you—"

Felicia gave her a chilling smile.
"Ugh, don't be so thick-headed dearie. I came to wish your friend a happy birthday of course."

"I don't think you were invited, mother," Rena said coldly. She was done trying to reach out to that woman she no longer considered her mother.

Besides, Rena also knew for sure Felicia WASN'T invited.
Leo disliked her as much as the others did.

Felicia took an imposing step toward her, making Rena back away instinctively.

"What's wrong daughter? I thought you loved your mother?"
Her words were blunt and apathetic.

Felicia advanced towards Rena, her steps quick and threatening. Soon enough, Rena felt her shoes become wet. She looked back and saw the lake, looking a lot less serene than before.

Felicia shook her head disappointedly.
"Treating your own mother like this?"

Rena suddenly stopped moving, a feeling of deep resentment overwhelming her.
She lifted her gaze toward Felicia.

Something about the look on Rena's face made Felicia take a few steps back.

Rena stood her ground unmoving, but Felicia kept moving further and further away from her, as if afraid Rena would strike at any moment.

"You are not my mother." 
Rena's unnaturally cold voice rang out.

Felicia flinched at the very sound of Rena's voice, and the evil grin that was spread across her face.
Felicia almost tripped on her feet as she hurried to get away from Rena.

"Vin, have you seen Rena?" A concerned Diamond ran over.

Vin nodded.
"Yes... I saw her with Sandra a while ago—"

"Have any of you seen Leo or Ren?"

Vinnie and Diamond turned to find Sandra walking toward them.

Diamond instantly turned serious.
"Let's split up and look for them then." She said and the others nodded in agreement.

He held her shoulders, shaking her lightly.
"... Irene!" 

A voice snapped her back to reality.

"D— Darien?" She stuttered, eyes half closed.
Her body swayed weakly but Darien caught her.
He laid her carefully on the soft grass, took off his coat, and covered her, then carefully took her in his arms.

A second later, Rena's eyes opened.
The familiar set of winter grey eyes calmed her, but then the memory of her mother returned and she hastily got up.

She scanned the area, her heartbeat accelerating abnormally.
Right then, an ear-splitting scream rang out.

Rena turned and saw Sandra, kneeling on the ground, a mortified look on her face as she stared ahead at the lake.

The ambulance's flashing lights lit up their faces ominously.

"No, STOP! Why are you taking him?! He's fine!" Sandra yelled.
"Right, Leo? Wake up, wake up and tell them you're fine!"

"Sandra, please... That's enough." Vinnie appeared behind her, gently grabbing her shoulders, holding her back.
Tears crowded his eyes, and he dared not look at the stretcher the medics were pulling away.

Sandra struggled to get out of his hold.
"No Vin! Let me go... Tell them to stop... He's fine... He's fine." 

"I'm sorry." Vin pulled her into him as she sobbed uncontrollably. 


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