Flashbacks pt1

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Enjoy this song :)
I'm going to add 2 flashbacks per page to get this over with,this will be how eret came to love quackity
(Why not)

Erets pov:

I was inside the castle making sure everything was ok until i heard a noise from outside, of course i had to check it out. There were some boys I've never seen before gathered in a circle, i thought about in for a while 'since i am the king i better make sure everything is ok, right', after thinking for a bit i decided to go outside just to make sure there wasn't a fight.

I walked outside towards the circle and tapped on someone's shoulder...
???:"what do you want!"he shouted
'Rude, didn't there parents teach them some manners"
Eret:"what's going on over here?"i asked calmly
???:"why don't you see for yourself bitch"
I ignored him and went towards the centre, not wanting to get my hands dirty. I saw two men on someone, looks like they want to kiss them, i thought nothing of it until I heard:
???:"LET ME GO!", what the... then the other man said.
???:"don't you want to play with us, doll" ok gross
???:"EW, YOU FUCKING PERVERT", i can't stand this anymore, what king would i be if i let this slide 'wait a second'
When i looked closer, i saw the males face and it was quackity
Eret:"boys, boys, calm down"
Eret:"ok, that's enough" by this time i was pissed
???:"AND WHAT, THIS SLUT IS ASKING FOR IT" and without thinking, i punched them in the face and he let go of quackity.

???:"YOU BITCH" i was about to give him a piece of my mind until,
Quackity:"shut it you asshole, that's not how your supposed to talk to people" and after he said he kicked that person in the nuts🥜 (serves him right😒). To say i was impressed was an understatement,
Quackity:"anyways, i suppose i should thank you for getting him off me"he said smiling
Eret:"no need, he deserved it"
Quackity:"no, really, i insist i repay you somehow"
Eret:"fine, if you insist, maybe visit sometimes"
Quackity:"ok, cya later than"
Eret:"cya soon"

-3 hours later- (I'm running out of this to say 😅)

Still erets pov:

I've been waiting for hours yet i don't see quackity, i wonder if he's even going to visit at all. Before i was going to give up, i saw him walk up to the entrance of the castle from a window, i walked up to we're he was and shook his hand (idk what I'm writing anymore🙃)
Eret:"hello quackity, nice to see you again"
Quackity:"it's nice visiting a friend"
Eret:"anyways, make yourself at home"
Quackity:"oh, i almost forgot, i made some cupcake to offer as thanks from before :)"
Eret:"you didn't have to but thank you, they look delicious"

And thats when i start to have feeling for quackity
(I'm just going to make all the flashbacks short for my sanity)
Foolish's backstory (wooooo🥲)
(My brain is doing a dumb dumb mode today)

No pov:

Foolish just joined las nevadas and was in a relationship with quackity after the breakup with Karl and sapnap but honestly, who would do that with q, I mean he means everything to foolish and to see his heart broken just makes him sad.
Just a week ago foolish has noticed something unusual about quackity, like he was getting even more skinny and that couldn't be good for a humans body, second is that q would sneak off during his break but that couldn't be preculiour.... Right?

Foolish pov:

After my shift I noticed quackity leaving his office, so i followed him but don't get me wrong I'm not stalking him I'm just cute on my he's being so sneaky. I see him turn around the corner so I just a little peak and what I saw was shocking, i saw q turn into A WOMAN; his hair was down to his waist, he was wearing a blue tank top with a grey mini skirt and tights (the colour doesn't matter), he was also wearing a golden necklace paired with stud earrings and sunglasses (i want that outfit). After I saw that I hid behind a box blocking the area, after I saw quackity head towards the club, so as the good boyfriend i am I decided to follow him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid in that outfit

When I got inside I saw him flirting with another man...... wait............ FLIRTING!!!
quackity:"omg do you work out, i swear no one could look as hot as you"he said in a seductive voice
I swear when he gets back I'm giving him a piece of my mind
???:"ladys, ladys, there's a piece of me to go around"
Oh I didn't see the other 2 lady's but who cares, all i need if for quackity to leave that bitch if he knows what's best for him
Girl1:"my my, so full of ourselves are we"
Girl2:"we just love you so much, but we need to use the powder room"
Girl1:"indeed, right Alexandra"
Quackity:"yeah, we just want to look so good for you, don't you want us to be perfect"he says sticking his ass in the air leaning towards the man. Wait there calling him Alexandra
???:"do as you wish, but don't take to long, don't want to keep me waiting"
Quackity:"of course not silly, let's go ladies"
They start walking towards the bathroom but stop outside of it

Quackity:"he's tougher than I thought" he says grabbing his chin
Girl2:"yeah, how will we kill him, Chloe any thoughts"
Oh so she's Chloe
Chloe:"what about you Julia"
Girl2:"nothing so far"
And she's Julia
Chloe:" Alexandra, what about you"
Quackity:"i do have something, but if we mess up we're dead for sure"
Julia:"well....tell us"
Quackity:"ok, so first we have to make him fall head over heels for us"
Chloe:"we already have that down"
'What are they planning'
Quackity:"then we take him towards a room with no people in it"
Julia:"I'm sure we can manage that"
Quackity:"the room will have all our weapons inside, but after we lock the door without his guards noticing and kill him, that's the hard part"
Chloe:"your right, Julia you think you can distract them"
Julia:"when have my charms ever failed us"she says while flicker her hair behind her
Quackity:"ok lady's let's go"

(No more flashbacks this is taking to long)
(Read the next chapter already)

(Why are you still here??)




Jump in the Cadillac
Girl go put some miles on it
Anything you want
Just to a smile on it
You deserve it baby
You deserve it all
And I'm going to give it to you

(Ok you have to be gone by now)

(Your still here?!)

(Fine......desperate times go for desperate mesures)

(You have to be gone)

(Imma go)

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