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Quackity's pov:...again...
(Sara is still in his soul but we won't talk about her this chapter)

Once I woke up I felt a sharp pain in my back, it hurt like crazy but where was i and what was i wearing, i couldn't even move my arms. It was super uncomfortable but anyways as I looked across the room I saw a blonde female that almost looked like Sara but not quite as bratty.
Quackity:"who are you?"
???:"ah I see your finally awake, and my name is piper"
Quackity:"where am I?"
Piper:"i don't know either, just woke up a few hours ago before I saw them put you here"
Piper:"but anyways who are you"
Quackity:"my name is Alex, now when is someone going to tell us about this place"
And as I said that four men in police uniforms came inside with techno,dream and Wilbur (chaos trio🤩)
Probably because the others didn't want to see this, I wouldn't blame them
Officer1:"i see you girls are finally wake"
I felt like pissing them off, so i did what anyone in my shoes would do😈
Quackity:"well that's quite rude of you, how do you know we're confortable with you using those pronouns"
I can see the others trying to hold back their laughter so I was on the right track
Quackity:"i mean if your homophobic, what would the public think of the examples your setting"
I know I hit a spot when one of them slapped me
Piper:"so he's the big high and mighty guy,what do you think Alex"
Quackity:"i didn't notice, i thought a high powered person like a general was supposed to have more beef on them, i could snap him like a stick just for fun. HA!"
And ofcource i got hit by another slap right on my face
Piper:"Alex your right, what would the public think if an adult looking like their about to go old slaps some young woman like it's nothing"
Quackity:"ok ok, now that's the comments are gone, WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE YOU BITCH"
Officer4:"watch your language if you know what's good for you!"
Officer1:"your in an insane asylum precious"
Quackity:"gross, i don't fuck old withered bitches who lock me up"
Officer2:"THATS ENOUGH, we were going to just let you stay here for your crimes but that's too light..."
To say i was confused was an understatement, i generally didn't know what this psycho was talking about but I could tell techno and piper did
Piper:"your not saying what i think your saying ...right"
Quackity:"piper, what is he talking about, breathe"
Officer2:"I'm talking about executing you ofcource"
Wilbur:"you can't be serious dude, really"
Officer2:"but I am, tomorrow at dawn for your family's to see"
Officer2:"but I think the general will agree with me"
Officer1:"I'll only save you...if you sleep with me" (pedo)
Officer1:"then we'll see you tomorrow, doll"

As he said that they forced the boys (chaos trio) out i turned to piper and said to her
Quackity:"want to know a little secret"
Piper:"will it make our situation better or worse?"she said sniffling
Quackity:"better, you just have to be a quick learner"
Piper:"ok, i trust you even we only met a few hours ago"
-after the 'lesson'- (not going to ✨spoil it✨)
-next day because I'm writing this at 3am and I have school😅-

When we both woke up i saw that bitch that kept harassing me yesterday
Officer1:"i see both of you are finally awake"
Quackity:"no shit Sherlock, great job you solved the case, want a reward"
Officer1:"oh shut it, we're not doing this again"
Quackity:"oh come on, not just a little fun before I die" (not the fun you think weirdos)
When I was about to say more he pulled me by the hair then another officer that I haven't seen before pulled pipers and dragged us both out the door to we're we were going to be 'executed'.

When we got to the place it looked like a nock off version of hocus pocus. As I looked at the crowd I saw the children (you know who I'm talking about) and basically everyone i knew plus some others
Officer2:" I brought you all here today to witness the death of your close one's, piper and Alex if that is her real name"
(I'm about to pull some celestia ludenburg shit)
Quackity:"how many time do i have to tell you...MY NAME IS ALEX HQ GOD DAMNIT... ah uh dak tu mi mua (how do you spell it)
Officer2:"whatever you say, now if you please"
He points to a big guy with an axe in hand
Quackity:"let's get this over with"
Quackity:"i know. Who else could handle this much despair at's just so....HAHAHAH"
(I pulled the junko card, why am I using references to danganronpa characters now😭)

Officer2:"murder this one first, she is enjoying this too much"
He says pointing at me, step one of the plan fulfilled. When he was about to swing the axe at my head I gave piper the signal
Quackity:"PIPER NOW"
and as I yelled that she let out a high pitch scream making the executioner deaf but I don't know for how long.
I shrank into a duck and my restraint couldn't restrain me anymore, i stepped off the 'clothes' and turned back into a human wearing a long black dress, that was all I could do with the energy i had left (he still has his long hair).
I reached out my hand and my book came flying in landing in my grasp

I murmured a curse
Quackity:"⌰⟒⏁ ⏁⊑⟒⌇⟒ ⌿⟒⍜⌿⌰⟒ ⏚⎍⍀⋏"
And when I finished a phoenix emerges from from thin air
Quackity:"Quemarlas" i say pointing at the officers that put me in asylum
When the phoenix was doing it's assignment i walked over to piper and got her out of those restraints
Piper:"thanks girl"
Quackity:"no prob, let's gets out of here before they call for back up if they have the brains lol"
Piper:"lol, but we're do i go, i don't think my family accepts me for you know"
Quackity:"it's your lucky day, your moving in with me but I warn you my friends are difficult"
Piper:"ok girlie, let go"

(End of chapter)

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