Where even are we?

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After Nya has defeated The Preeminent, Wu summoned his dragon and went to search for morro. When Wu found him he was being pulled by the Preeminent.

Wu: Take my hand

Morro: why? so you can take the realm crystal, and use it to find your prized student

Wu: You're all my prized pupils. But none of us can do this alone. You're strong, Morro, but it takes others to make us stronger even me. Take my hand so we can be stronger together. Please, Morro.

Morro: Wu, My previous sensei, You're naive to think that I need your help.

Wu was taken aback by Morro's words and then he was surprised when he saw Morro activating the realm crystal, and using it on him. Morro then said " ha, I don't need anybody's help because I'm the best and no one is better than me," Morro then used the realm crystal to escape the tentacle of the Preeminent that has been pulling him towards the sea, he has crossed to another realm and then returned to the Ninjago realm. he then proceeded to travel flying towards the ship, that Nya and the others were abroad on, using his air Ninjitsu.

The ninjas were celebrating their victory over the Preeminent, but their celebration was concluded when Zane spotted Morro flying toward the ship. "Uh, guys. I think we were celebrating." those were the words zane used. After Zane spoke those words and pointed his finger toward Morro, The Ninja's attention was shifted to the Wind master, who was closing the gap between him and the ship at the speed of light. the ninja started using their powers to increase the gap. Zane started shooting spikes of ice, Cole creating dust storms, and Nya trying to warp him in water, while Jay was increasing the power of the engine using his electricity and Kai using his fire to increase the speed, but then the wind master had enough and decided it was time to demonstrate to them why he's in a league of his own. Morro raised his hand and formed a wind storm that disposed of Cole's dust storm, rendered Nya's water attacks useless, and redirected Zane's spikes he then proceeded to pull the ship towards him using his wind manipulation, but Ronin stepped in and started throwing weapons at him again all his attempts were in vain as expected. The Wind master has increased the strength of his air current and he succeeded in cancelling out Kai's fire, which reduced the ship's resistance vastly.

After he rendered all of the ninja's attacks useless and pulled the ship back successfully he landed on it and spoke the following word " Hello their ninjas missed me? Unfortunately, I know the answer to this question. I'm here to tell you something, and it's That you all can say goodbye to your old man Wu cause I sent him to another realm," 

The ninjas were all shocked by the fact that Wu, who is one of the strongest people in Ninjago's history, has been teleported to another realm. Who knows how is he right now? Is he ok, Is he injured, or worst case scenario is their master DEAD? Jay, despite being shocked by this fact, found some courage left in him and decided to speak up saying " No, He won't die that easily and even if he went down we're going to take his revenge with our own hands!"

Morro replied, " Oh, did I forget to mention you can't take revenge? But why's that, It's because you're all going to join him now."

Morro then teleported in front of the Ninjas, which took them by surprise, and he created a portal, which sucked all of them including Him.

When they were teleported to the new realm they took their fighting stances and jumped to attack Morro, but Morro's reaction speed was not to be underestimated as he was fast enough to teleport himself away using the crystal, but still Kai, the fire master to kick him before completely teleporting.

Cole: No, he escaped again

Jay: Um, guys I don't know if it's the time to ask, but where are we?

The ninja looked around them to be shocked by the fact how wonderful this place is

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