My Poor Buba

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I dedicate this chapter to RayRaysNinja. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You know you my girl and I love your stories y'all need to go check them out!!! But Yh enjoy y'all x.

Tamara's POV: it's been about a week since then. I still haven't heard from Craig he comes home really late then leaves before I can even wake up, it's really bothering me, the more this drags on the more my mind is going to run while...

Pushing that to the back of my mind I just finished fixing my babies some food when Tayshaun and Jason came down tucking right in and I started cleaning up when...

Tayshaun: momma you ain't Gon eat? *almost finished his food*

Tamara: *shakes her head* I'll eat later I've got a lot of work to do today baby.

Tayshaun: *nods his head..*

Tamara: where's Zakia?

Jason: I don't know momma she stuck under her covers..*just finished his food also*

I looked at the boys before putting down the tea towel and making my way upstairs and into Zakia's room. The room was still clean from when I cleaned it yesterday, Zakia was hiding under the covers. She's always the first to wake up out of all of us.

"Zakia? Baby you not gonna get up for school?" I saw the covers ruffle but she didn't answer me so I went over to her bed and slowly look the covers off her. She was coughing and her nose was a rosy pink Colour and She had little bags under her eyes. "Why didn't you tell momma you aren't feeling well?"

I sat on the bed and looked at her when she crawled into my lap sniffling with the covers still wrapped around her. "I wanted you to come get me .." that sentence made my heart drop, I was so busy trying to do work yesterday and shake Craig off my mind I didn't even notice her acting different..I pulled her closer to me when she rested her head in my chest. "Next time you tell me when you don't feel well and mommas gonna come running faster than you can say peppa pig" that made my baby giggle.

I took her in my arms and downstairs resting her on the couch when the boys came up to me ...that's right they must be leaving for school now..

Tayshaun: *looking at his mom* what's wrong with Kia?

Tamara: I think she's got the flu *stroking Zakias head* she not going to school today.

Jason: Aww I really wanna hug her but I don't wanna get sick..

Tamara: no we wouldn't want you too catching it. *smiles*

Tayshaun: but what about you momma? Your gonna get sick..

Tamara: I'm a mom baby. I gotta look after my babies no matter what a small flu won't do me no harm I'm just doing my job.

I sent him a warm smile and to my surprise Tayshaun rushed over ti me embracing me in his arms, boy my baby is getting real big. I hugged him back when I also noticed something must be bothering him too... The hug went on for a good minute or two.

Tamara: Tay are you alright baby?

After I said that he jumped back letting go if me ... There was something bothering him! I tried to study his face to determine what it was but he's not easy to read..

Tayshaun: yeah momma I'm good..just .. take care of yourself and Kia ok?

I smiled because even though he looks like there is a lot going on I raised my son the best I could and he knows no matter what family is everything.

Tamara: I promise to take good care of us both now you too make your way to school before you guys are late.

Just then Tayshaun gave e another quick hug before giving me a smile and heading for the door then Jason gave me a nice long Hug before following behind Tayshaun as they said bye in unison. Then I headed in the kitchen to make something for Zakia to eat whilst she was curled up on the couch.

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