I Want My Baby!

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Tamara's POV: I picked up Zakia off the couch and took her up to her room and put her in her bed then I could hear Craig's footsteps walking up the stairs when I ran into our bedroom and locked the door behind.

He tapped on the door as I rested my back against the door and slid down it hugging my knees as tears started streaming down my face... No..no..no...no this is bad.... If he gets out of jail...he's gonna come for my baby....my baby.....

I sat there hugging my knees to my chest, Craig tapped the door again. "Baby, let me in... I promise you he won't get anywhere near you! Or Tay..p..please let me in.." I shook my head then soon remembering he couldn't see me...my body started to shake in fear ....this is so bad ...Tayshaun is going to find out.. that man! Is gonna find out where we live... No...no! I clenched my head in my hands as I started to panic....

"Baby!" Craig said slightly banging on the door. "Baby you gotta calm down ok.. take deep breaths" it was too late... My breathing got faster and I stumbled to my feet ripping the curtains apart and swinging the Windows open.. suddenly I felt hot and as if I couldn't breathe...my heart beat kept increasing..."TAMARA! open the door now!" Craig said banging continuously on the door, he knew what was happening...

I slowly made my way to the door, feeling as if I was going to pass out at any moment.. I could feel a migraine growing in my head... I haven't had one of those in a while...my head started to pound... "TAMARA PLEASE! IM HERE, I'm right here!" Craig said tapping the door. I reached the door sitting on my knees and reached up to the door knob, Craig could hear me about to open the door when I stopped..

I froze in place. "N..no" I said holding my head with one hand...I started to feel really dizzy.. I know I should open the door but... I dont want Craig... I want...I want my baby.. "come on Tamara, baby that's it unlock the door.. " I started crying harder... Why wasn't Tayshaun home yet.. I started to panic... "I.. I want my son... I want Tay!" I said crying, moving my hand on the door knob and put it on door and tapped it.

There was silence apart from me crying.. "ok baby... you stay right there I'm gonna go get him.." then I heard footsteps rush down the stairs.. I moved my hand from the door and laid on the floor..

Craig's POV: Shit! I knew I shouldn't have told her. I knew it, she's having a panick attack because of me... We're finally happy and that bastard has to come back into the picture. I flew down the stairs grabbing my phone.

Tamara, she knows he's gonna come after Tayshaun. Like fuck I'll let him but he will that's why she wants to see him... To make sure he is safe.. she just got better! That's why I couldn't tell her ...and now we have to tell Tayshaun everything... That's gonna break her heart even more...But right now I need her to calm down for her own safety! I dialled Tayshaun's number hoping he'd pick up! It rang a couple times before he picked up..

*Phone call*

Tayshaun: hello?

Craig: TAYSHAUN THANK GOD! son you gotta come home right now.

Tayshaun: woah dad! Slow down.. what's going on??!

Craig: ..it's your momma, you gotta come home now...please...

Craig's POV: just then the phone went dead...I tried calling him, again but he didn't answer. I ran upstairs tapping on my bedroom door. "Baby? Tamara are you ok? Tay's on his way.." I put my ear to the door but I couldn't hear anything...

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