Mikhal Amos

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Name: "Hm? You don't need to know who I am human."
(Mikhal Amos the icy executioner of demons and fallen angels and protector of humans)

Nickname: "I have no reason to have a nickname."
(Come up with one for him.)

Age: "classified information."
(24. 19-29 depends on the rp)

Height: 4'2

Birthday: January 1

Zodiac: Capricorn

Species: Angel

Sexuality: closeted homosexual

Ethics: unknown

Looks: picture above and this is his human form.

Looks: picture above and this is his human form

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Wears glasses or no?: no

Personality: Mikhal is a very cold person who follows the rules the gods set and does his orders from them swiftly but throughly. However he isn't that cold towards 'pure' humans or children, it's only when he is on a mission to execute a wanted demon or fallen angel. He won't show them any mercy unless he is told to spare them. But as he opens up he's more kind, understanding and patient, he has a very strong sense of justice and a tiny sense of humor but he keeps it down low. Mikhal is very protective of his loved ones and will keep them safe as much as he possibly can.

Family: his parents died a long time ago and he sadly doesn't have any siblings. Though his closest childhood friend Elias, he is also works as a executioner but is a higher rank compared to Mikhal. Anyways Mikhal sees Elias as a older brother figure.

 Anyways Mikhal sees Elias as a older brother figure

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This is Elias, he's 26.

Backstory: Mikhal was born in a loving family in heaven with a decent childhood until demons invaded and killed them. Elias and him were taken in by the captain of the executioners and was trained under him. Elias making it in the ranks as a platinum starred executioner and Mikhal a gold starred. However on his 18th birthday he was given the legendary weapon for his achievements: The Radiance Spear, it was made by the gods eons ago and can severely damage both demons and fallen angels with its ability to control holy magic and dark magic. He did have a lover 3 years ago by the name of Remiel, he was apart of the medical community of heaven plus Mikhal's roommate back then. The two had to keep their relationship a secret because if the gods and other angels found out they would've been casted out right away and their divinity taken away, it was forbidden for two male angels to be in a relationship. However Mikhal loved Remiel dearly but sadly they couldn't make love as per executioner's rules, a seal of purity was placed on each executioner so they would remain pure and true to the gods' orders. Remiel however found a way to bypass the seal, Ambrosia while in Greek mythology it was said to be the fruit of the gods. This was made by demons in hell millions of eons ago that can nullify any holy magic by the gods. Remiel in secret risked himself by sneaking into hell and taking some of the forbidden fruit in order to create a elixir made from this forbidden fruit so he and Mikhal could make love however there is a side effect, it was also a aphrodisiac to divine beings it is quite powerful so Mikhal limits himself to consuming only a small amount of the elixir so the effects aren't that strong on him and he'll be fine the next day. Four months later Remiel was sadly killed by a fallen angel who infiltrated the temple. Mikhal is still grieving over Remiel's death deep down but is really good at hiding it and only uses the elixir whenever he misses him and gets horny.

 Mikhal is still grieving over Remiel's death deep down but is really good at hiding it and only uses the elixir whenever he misses him and gets horny

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Here is what Remiel did look like

Likes: animals, sparring with Elias, spending time with his friends or loved ones, tea, sweets and flying.

Dislikes: troublemakers, fallen angels and demons to a extent, liars, bitter foods, missing Remiel and rainy nights.

Hobbies: training, reading, taking strolls or flights, cooking and playing games.

Occupation: executioner

Flaws: very short tempered, quick to use force, cold hearted and very hard to open up.

Powers: flight, shapeshifting between his true form and human form, holy magic and supernatural strength.

Weapons: he's able to use a hand gun loaded with either holy magic bullets or dark magic bullets but his primary weapon is the Radiance Spear in the picture above. He is also very well adaptive in hand to hand combat.

Position: bottom

*Turn ons: teasing, roughness, when it's meaningful, some pain but not too much.

*Turn offs: anything weird or gross, too much pain, his lover leaving abruptly and getting interrupted.

Other: executioners are given purity seals once they passed the test and given bronze star
here is how the executioners are ranked.

Platinum star is the highest and they are considered the commanders and work as a backup to the Gold stars who do solo missions. In Elias' case he is in charge of Mikhal and supporting him in the control room that is given to him.

Gold star is the second highest and are usually considered captains or they do solo work but are the most effective. Mikhal is considered the latter since he isn't very effective with working under a team if Elias isn't involved or available for the said mission.

Sliver star is the middle ground and doesn't take on very powerful demons or fall angels.

Bronze star is the lowest rank and are usually either the cleanup team or errand team for the platinum rank of gold rank.

Here is what the seal looks like and it's usually found on below the bellybutton if a executioner tries to remove or make love with anyone, they will get shocked by the seal's magic and it'll notify the gods immediately

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Here is what the seal looks like and it's usually found on below the bellybutton if a executioner tries to remove or make love with anyone, they will get shocked by the seal's magic and it'll notify the gods immediately. The punishment for attempting to remove this seal is the Angel's wings getting ripped on the spot and banished from heaven. Just imagine it smaller then the picture

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