Chapter 22: Everybody really did regret it

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*Ty's P.O.V*

I woke up with this huge headache. Ugh Sky was right, we were gonna regret. Gah. I knocked on Seto's door. He's the sorcerer, he should know what to do.

"Come in!" Seto shouted from inside. I went inside. He immedietly guessed and gave me a potion. A drank it up. The affects were quick. He handed me more potions and told me to give it everyone else but Sky. I knocked on Dah FEEISH door first. I heard grouning inside. He must have gotten very drunk. I handed one to him. I left and gave it to the others; Mitch, Jason, Jayrome, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan (there are way too many Jordans). The last room to go was...Glory's room. I knocked on her door. No answer. I opened the door slowly. Aww She was asleep. (I ship it so much lol) I put the potion on her bed side table. I slowly tip-toed out. I closed the door behind me. I went to see Sky. I knocked on his door. I heard shuffling in there. I opened the door. He was pacing back and forth.
"Dude, you okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." He answered back. I didn't believe but I didn't question it. I just nodded slowly and went out, closing the door behind me.
*Sky's P.O.V*
I was worring big time.
Pfff Why do you need to worry? You got a evil version of you at your side.
Oh shut up.
That's not a nice thing to say to yourself.
Will you just shut up? I shut him out. I walked out to get some breakfast. YAS BUDDER SANDWHICHES! (classic Sky) I immedietly sat down at the table and gobbled down the food. I saw a figure a shadow creeping around the walls. Meh, must be my eyes tricking me.
*???'s P.O.V*
I sneaked around the walls of the dining room. Oh no...Sky was looking at me! Oh he shrugged it off. Thank goodness. I saw all of the genrels get up and go somewhere. I started following. They went into a room. I quickly slipped into the room. Sky started talking.
"Okay, fa-Herobrine must die, but how?" He stammered.
"Well we could sneak into his castle." Ty said.
"No, too obvious." Sky replied. Clever kid. They started discussing plans intill they got the perfect plan. They thought so anyway. I have to report this to Master Herobrine. (I really wanna name the servent dobby XD)
*Sky's P.O.V*
I feel like someone is listening. Nah, I'm being Paraniod. Our plan was to wait. We're not gonna do anything and Herobrine will eventually come to attack us and we will be ready. I hope this works. Herobrine has to wait to wait a two months for this to happen.
*???'s P.O.V*
I went to Master Herobrine.
"Master Herobrine! Master Herobrine!" I screamed. Master ran to me.
"What is it?" He said. I told him Sky's plan.
"Intresting..." Master said. He went to his room, proberly to plot a plan.
*Sky's P.O.V*
I went outside to take a break from everything happening. I saw a rabbit run to me. Yes, I can understand animals.
"Sky! Sky! I eavsdropped on Herobrine and he had a plan to attack you!" The rabbit said, obviously out of breath.
"Did you find what the plan was?" I asked. He shook his head.
"They saw me and I ran quickly." I patted him and thanked him. I ran into the base. I bumped into Seto.
"Seto! I need all the generals to meet me in the meeting room! Can you call them for me?" I asked. He nodded and ran to call the generals.
*time skip of hybrids*
I was in the meeting room with all the generals.
"Why did you call us?" Brice asked.
"Herobrine's making a plan to attack us. I think we should find out what the plan is. And Ima leave chu at cliffhanger. Ima try to write two more chapters as I don't publish often (understatment of the century) Well Ima go eat all the food in my kitchen. Bai muffins!

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