chapter 01

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"Dad!" a ten year old boy run towards the handsome looking man in his thirties, as the called male crouched down front of his son

"Wow wow champ slow down you might fall__" he lovingly said messing his son's well set hair, making the brown haired boy whined loudly

"Dad don't ruin my hair!" He glared at his father with a pout adoring his beautiful face, the older man laugh at his son's adorableness, finding it very endearing.

" Anyway why are you calling me bunny?" he asked as he saw his son breaking into his infamous beautiful and cute bunny smile--

"Look at this dad!" the ten years old boy pulled the an old large book , looking very anesthetic as the words beautiful curved over the book

" The world of werewolves "

The older man sighed "jeongguk , how many times I have told you werewolves are not real" jeongguk pouts looking at his father

"But dad , grampa said the are real it's just they all are hidden inside the wild forest!" He grumble as he sat down one of the stone in wide ground of their house

"You mean there---" jeongguk's father point on his right as the ten years old boy tilted his head on the direction and saw dark wild massive area filled with nothing but big large dark green trees and the rough sharp stone here and there giving the green grass ground an uneven shape---- the forest.

"If they really exist then why I didn't saw any of them even after living here for almost my whole life hmm?" jeongguk forward looking down at green grass because he has no idea how to answer his father

The older man sighed softly sitting beside his son as he placed his hand over jeongguk's shoulder , giving it a light squeeze.

"You know bunny your grandpa used to tell me stories about them too, I also used to believe that werewolves are real and they might live under this dark forest but then__" jeongguk tilted his head up to look at his father's sharp jawline , who was looking at the forest giving jeongguk a perfect view of his side profile.

He admirer it--- the little jeongguk really admire his father's looks--- the way he has a sharp jawline, with beautiful eyes, and he won't think twice to answer if someone ask who is the most handsome man in this world.

Without even blinking he will proudly declare that it's his father-- and deep inside he wish he also look at good as his father in future--

"Then?" he quietly asked as his father looked down at him "then I grown up bunny!" he snorts playfully , pinching jeongguk's chubby cheeks

"Dad!!" jeongguk whined in annoyance swatting his father's hand away from his cheek as he gets up from stone and stomped his feet in anger "I'll tell Mom that you are making fun of me again hmph!"

He stormed toward their beautiful mountain house , he heard his father calling him but he didn't stop , wanting to teach his father lesson by complaining to his mother--- the ruler of their house.

"Hey champ wait!" jeongguk felt his father's hand making grip on his shoulder "No!" he pouted trying to free himself from his father's grip-- even though it was a light grip but poor boy has to do so much struggled.

"Oh my angry bunny calm down, will you?" his father bend on his level whilst holding his both ears , looking at him with puppy eyes-- it was so much funny and adorable sight for jeongguk to see his father apologising like a five year old scared kid who is trying to woo him by his innocent face---

And oh, jeongguk enjoy this sight way too much, he bites his lips to suppress his giggles which threatened to escape from his lips "say you won't make fun of me again!" jeongguk demand childishly making the older sighed

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