chapter 08

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jeongguk squinted his eyes when he felt a slight bit of headache, as he groaned out loudly in annoyance---

"argh my head" he groaned putting his hand over his forehead "god that was some weird ass dream" he murmured in horror---

he slowly rubbed his eyes, opening them in last, and blinked twice or thrice to get used to the bright sun light, trying to make his vision clear

"are you fine human"

and immediately jeongguk's snapped up when he heard the awfully familiar deep smooth voice---

his eyes get widened seeing the same beautiful face of the blonde haired, who was sitting beside him on bed with his hoodie on and his pet chin was sitting quietly with the blonde haired, as they were looking at him, grinning ever so widely

"you!" jeongguk screamed out of horror, crawling back to make as much distance he can put

"yes me" taehyung chimed brightly showing his boxy smile to human, trying to approach him

"don't!----" jeongguk immediately yelled out hiding his body in blanket "don't come closer to me!"

taehyung pout frowning his eyebrows cutely glaring at jeongguk in confusion, he just wants to get closer to human know him more but this human seems to not like him which makes taehyung sad---


"because I don't want you to come any closer to me!" jeongguk yelled back causing taehyung to close his ears and eyes

"Yah, stop yelling human" taehyung hissed

"then go away from me---"

taehyung annoyingly huffed looking direct into jeongguk's and he sighed helplessly when he saw a hint of fear inside his eyes

"why are you scared human?" he asked softly, titling his head on side

"why?" jeongguk scoffed turning toward blonde haired "because you are a werewolf!____"

"so?" taehyung confusingly cut jeongguk off

"so you can harm me----"

"but I didn't harmed you, did I?"

jeongguk's abruptly stopped fussing around as the words caught his attention---

well he didn't harm me nor he seems harmful---

jeongguk inwardly thought as he smile sheepishly at taehyung, sitting properly on bed, throwing away the blanket also known as his so called shield---

"well---- you didn't"

taehyung sighed in relief because he doesn't want human to think that he'll ever harm him

in fact taehyung never can harm the person who saved him, helped him, and moreover he is human being, taehyung can never think of harming him, neither anyone unless they seemed to be a threat to him

"then what is bothering you human?"

jeongguk rubbed his back of head, thinking what he should reason out---

"well you are a werewolf_____"

"you don't like werewolves?"

wait a second---

jeongguk's eyes widen when he suddenly realised how stupid he is being when he finally meet the werewolf----It's proven they are do exists not in this world but in other--- he wasn't wrong to believe in them

shouldn't he exclaimed out of happiness because his belief was true? after getting mocked for years, he get proven right

perhaps fear had overcome his little happiness

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