chapter 02

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On the other hand somewhere deep inside wood, in a whole different world, a small boy burst inside the wood house slamming the door open

Unwillingly startling a aged but beautiful woman with light blueish eyes, "oh my taehyung?" she gasp looking at certain direction where his grandson stormed.

She put the basket down, where she was putting some veggies she plant in her small garden as she pads towards the wooden house

" halmeoni!" She halt in midway after hearing the loud voice, she turns and saw two boys running towards her

"Careful my two alphas" she stopped them "what happened?"

"Halmeoni! Forgive us!" The older alpha seokjin bowed front of her, followed by his younger alpha brother hoseok

"Why are you apologising my alphas?" She kindly smiled at them looking at their sad faces---

"Because taehyungie is upset" hoseok pout looking at her with big doe eyes

"Yes, we are meant to keep our taehyungie happy but he is sad now, all because of those bad wolfs" seokjin state earning a furious nod from hoseok

"hyung is right halmeoni they are mean always make fun of our taehyungie I'll beat them when I'll turn into big wolf!"

"Hoseok - seokjin don't say like this my alphas" she scolded them getting a small sulky apologise in response

"Now tell me what happened?"

" we don't know halmeoni we were doing sifting training when we saw taehyungie running out the training center__" seokjin explains

" away don't be upset my alphas I'll look after him hmm you both should return to pack house Luna must be waiting for you two hmm" she said caressing seokjin's cheek who blush by her affection.

Hoseok laughed poking his brother's now red cheeks who swatted his hand away with a small glare

" see you soon halmeoni take good care of our taehyungie" Hoseok chimes bowing front of the elder woman before the both newly become alphas turned to leave.

She waited till the disappears out of her sight before she turned around as a soft sigh escape her chapped lips

"oh my taehyungie" she murmur walking toward her small wooden house as she didn't forget to carry her basket inside with her.

After putting the basket on small table she walk toward her grandson's room, entering there without making much noise

"taehyung?" she called sitting beside the blonde haired boy caressing it so lovingly

"what happened my flower? Won't you tell your halmeoni?" she talks softly knowing very well how to handle the twelve years old her sensitive grandson

lately but lastly the said boy peek to see his grandmother, immediately meeting his dark shinning with tears yet so memorizing blueish eyes with her light blueish one.

"halmeoni!" he cried latching his fragile body at his grandmothers hugging her tightly as he sniffing, crying his eyes out.

" shhh my taehyungie who makes you upset?" she softly ask as soon the crying boy pulls away from her and wiped his tears from his small fist.

" they are so mean to me halmeoni!" he cries out breaking his grandmother's heart "today sabu-nim was telling us about different kind creatures, halmeoni-i..." he utter with teary eyes as the elder woman, his grandmother nods encouraging him to continue

".. I was curious so I ask about 'human', sabu-nim said they are mythical creature, but some of them start making fun of me halmeoni" he sobs out

"they say humans are not real, halmeoni they are lying right, you says jeungjobu know about human world ! When I told them this, they start laughing at me halmeoni! I don't understand why they are so mean"

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