chapter 03

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Earlier morning the sunlight peek through the soft white curtains falling over brown haired boy, nonetheless it didn't break his sleep, hell it didn't even make him stir.

The boy sleep like snow-white, not caring about time and specially the world---

but there was a certain person who cares about not only him, but the time and world also---and the same person is standing front of the sleeping boy with___

___a full glass filled with chilled water----

"sorry but not sorry jeongguk-ah" he muttered looking d at the brown haired, before throwing the chilled water all over the poor boy.

"wha-a--what happened-d? tsunami!!" jeongguk jolted up---panicking slightly as he look around the room in bewilderment

"not a tsunami just a glass of water" jeongguk snap his head toward the voice finding a very familiar boy looking at him boringly.

"jimin?! why are you----nevermind why the hell did you wake me like this?!" he glare at jimin---his best friend

"because I don't have any other better way to break your sleep, dumbass!" jimin glare back at jeongguk for mere seconds before deciding to do his job--

"now what are you doing with my closet?!" jeongguk groaned annoyingly throwing back his body over the soft mattress--sighing happily---not caring about the wetness.

" knew it!" jimin said with a 'so done' voice facing his best-lazy-ass-friend.

"do you even remember, our classes are starting from today?" and immediately the brown haired turned to look at his best friend

"You are kidding right?" he ask in disbelief, getting a irritating glare back in response

"if you are thinking I came all the way, wearing school uniform, just to prank your lazy ass then---No dumbass I'm not!"

"No!" jeongguk whined loudly "why vacations ends so fast! I'm not so ready for classes that's too with none other than that annoying asshole sehun!" a expected rants comes out from the brow haired male

Jimin shakes his head---running his hand over his beautiful shiny silver hair in manners--- before walking toward jeongguk with his navy blue themed color blazer and pant along with a simple white shirt plus a tie which has their school symbol embroidered over it

"just a year more jeongguk ah then you'll have all the freedom you want! from sehun---from our annoying classmates---and more specifically from Mr Han!" Jimin exclaimed happily throwing himself beside his best friend, carelessly but in dry side of bed though.

"Park Jimin is this how you talk about your classmates more specifically about your brilliant teacher?" jeongguk raised his eyebrows, imitating their Math teacher, Mr Han.

Jimin burst out of loud giggle, looking and his best friend making weird ass face--and soon jeongguk join him laughing whole heartily at his silly act---

" do you think we will miss them after graduation?" Jimin asked after calming down from their fist of laugh

both boys in their earlier nineteens, look at each other with a blank face---thinking about the previous question___


Both of them scoffed, knowing very well that how much they 'like' their classmates and teachers to miss them---note the sarcasm

"now c'mon get ready fast!" Jimin kicked jeongguk out of his bed--making the brown haired hissing in pain, rubbing his ass which hit the hard floor pretty hard

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