chapter 07

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a loud sigh of relief escape from jeongguk's lips as he almost cried out of happiness, seeing his house again---

"my house, my sweet home" he cried out happily, face beaming with joy but a sudden bark and small bite in his legs makes him jolt and winced____

"what the?____" he throws a scowling glare and his pet "fine ! our house , our sweet home! satisfied?"

and with that the growling dog jumped happily skipping towards their house, excitedly.

"god, why he is like this?" jeongguk cried out following his pet with a small huff

standing on small door porch gazing down at unconscious boy jeongguk sigh putting him down carefully----"wait just awhile hmm I'll pick you again"

he dumbly mumbled out to the unconscious boy, caressing his head subconsciously---

suddenly he frowned pulling his hand back as he hit his head "stupid, what the hell are you doing?" he scolded himself before getting up and walking toward the door

opening the door swiftly jeongguk turn only to found his pet, chin was sitting near the boy gazing him awe.

"aw my buddy" jeongguk cooed crouching down beside him he softly pat his head "are you perhaps in love with him?" he gushed getting a small bark in response

"I'll take that as a 'yes'---" he laughed squishing chin slightly as chin growl at him

"okay geez don't growl I'll take your prince charming inside"

Jeongguk said picking up the blonde haired boy, he walk inside along with chin----

"he is kinda___" jeongguk paused observing the boy, after putting him on his bed in his bedroom he stare at unconscious boy "____beautiful?no?"

he asked to no one staring down at the beautiful face of blonde hair boy---

suddenly he realise he is staring too long---he hit his head slightly shaking his head to get his mind in right place

"focus jeongguk" he scolded himself turning around to get warm thick blanket covering the unconscious boy properly with it.

"well, it will be hard to get doctor at this time so sleep well I'll see you tomorrow" he softly murmured

carefully closing the door before quietly walking downstairs toward his parents room to sleep as chin follows him.

they both fell asleep unknown about what's going to happen tomorrow---


the bright sunlight hit omega's beautiful yet slightly bruised face causing him to squint his eyes---

he unconsciously groaned opening his beautiful blue eyes, looking around with a blurry vision----

he yawn cutely, rubbing his eyes with small paws--- when suddenly he felt it.

the soft clothing material.

the soft bed.

the fluffy pillow.

and a whole new place-----

his mind works frantically looking around the room in fear before he finally lose it, screaming top of his lungs


Jeongguk who was in his deep sleep get startled by the loud scream, falling down on floor immediately

"wha---what happened-?" he panicking asked hair stand proudly in every directions

suddenly he heard chin barking while gesture outside of their close door---

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