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A chilly breeze blew across Asami's face, whipping the strands of hair that had escaped her ponytail. She paused, listening carefully, but heard no other noise aside from the wind and the gentle lap of water surrounding Air Temple Island. Everyone was fast asleep, just as she had planned.

She'd snuck onto the island for the past three nights, watching and waiting. In that time, she'd learned the layout and memorized everyone's schedules. Tenzin, his wife, and their children had gone to bed hours ago, and her target had retired shortly after.

The all-powerful Avatar won't be so dangerous when she's asleep and vulnerable.

Nevertheless, Asami felt a nervous flutter in her stomach as she crept past the training ground. A creaking noise made her tense, but it was only the maze of revolving doors she'd seen the Avatar practicing with earlier (if getting knocked on one's rear by an inanimate object could be called practice).

It just goes to show that bending isn't everything. I won't have any trouble subduing her...

Asami tried to ignore the 'unless' that rose in her mind. No, she shouldn't have any problems getting the Avatar under control with chi blocking and the element of surprise, unless... unless the accounts she'd read about the Avatar State were true. She would need to be quick.

Quieter than a cat owl's shadow, Asami crept along the side of the main building, heading for the Avatar's room. There were no guards. No need, in a supposed safe haven such as this. She reached her destination in under a minute, but hesitated outside the painted screen door.

Come on, Sato. Don't lose your courage now! Think about why you're doing this. Who you're doing it for.

The Avatar was a danger to non-benders everywhere. Her father had made certain she understood that from an early age. It was power-drunk benders like her who felt they had the right to do whatever they pleased and take whatever they wanted, with tragic results for anyone unlucky enough to get in their way.

And yet, Asami's conscience wavered. She knew the Avatar was dangerous, but disabling a person in their sleep felt like cheating. It wasn't a fair fight, like benders attacking non-benders who hadn't been lucky enough to receive intense martial arts training.

After all, isn't fairness what we're fighting for? If our cause is righteous, why do Amon and my father have me sneaking around in the dark like a criminal?

Asami silenced the voice in her head. This wasn't the time for doubts. She had a mission to complete, and an Avatar to abduct. Carefully, she approached the door. Faint snoring came from within the room, and she smirked. Obviously, the Avatar was a heavy sleeper.

Satisfied her target wouldn't awaken, Asami slid the door back as slowly as possible. The noise was minimal, and the Avatar's snoring continued uninterrupted. Asami slipped inside, closing the door softly behind her. Moonlight streamed in through the room's translucent window coverings, illuminating the bed and the figure sleeping there.

Asami had seen the Avatar before, but only from a safe distance. This was the closest she'd ever been, and she was startled by what she saw. The muscular body sprawled on top of the covers didn't look as though it belonged to a monster. Naked except for her undergarments, the Avatar appeared unsettlingly human.

Despite the urgency of her mission, Asami found her eyes lingering. She stared for several seconds, studying the Avatar's warm brown skin and sculpted physique. Her enemy was impressive, she had to admit. The alpha's toned muscles spoke of much harder training than the farce she'd witnessed the other day.

Then there was the Avatar's scent. Strong, but almost sweet, it curled into Asami's nose, demanding her full attention. She swallowed, licking her lips. Her skin flushed, and sweat broke across her brow.

Against All ReasonΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα