Ch 4

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Korra blinked, lifting her tousled head from the pillow and squinting around the dark bedroom. Silver moonbeams spilled through the window and onto the floor, but only made the surrounding shadows longer. The peaceful sound of nighttime crickets and the distant hiss of the waves should have soothed her, but she found herself distracted by a strange prickling sensation along her spine.

Something wasn't right. She couldn't put her finger on it, but her instincts rarely steered her wrong.

She rolled over to check on Asami, who slumbered peacefully beside her. The omega had been the big spoon tonight, but it seemed Korra's movements hadn't yet disturbed her. In sleep, without makeup, she looked younger than usual. Softer. Korra's heart swelled with such love that she almost forgot her feelings of worry. Almost.

Gently, she caressed Asami's cheek, tucking a lock of glossy black hair behind her ear. Asami's closed eyelids fluttered slightly, but she didn't wake up. It was an adorable sight, but Korra also found it confusing. Something told her she should do a quick patrol around the temple, to scratch the persistent itch at the back of her mind. Another, primal part of her hated the thought of leaving Asami asleep and vulnerable.

Korra took a few deep breaths in through her nose, calming herself as Tenzin had taught her. She pushed her fears aside, emptying her mind of all emotion as she tried to view the situation logically.

It's probably one of the kids sneaking a midnight snack or a hungry animal rooting through the compost pile.

Besides, Asami was no slouch in combat. In the extremely unlikely event that someone was out to get them, she could more than hold her own. They had become training partners as well as mates, and Korra had received more than a few minor bruises and injuries to show for it. She had to admit she was getting better at fighting chi blockers, though, thanks to Asami's help.

In the end, she decided to put her mind at ease with a quick peek in the kitchen and out the front door. She slipped out of bed and tip-toed from the room, opening the door as quietly as possible. Before she left the bedroom, she stole one last glance over her shoulder. Asami slept on. Moonlight cast silver streaks upon her raven hair and a peaceful smile rested upon her face.

Korra's heart clenched at the sight. Love you, she mouthed, leaving the room without bothering to close the door behind her. She didn't want to disturb Asami with any unnecessary noise.

The kitchen was quiet, with no signs of tiny airbenders having raided the pantries. Despite that, Korra's unease grew. She wasn't used to seeing the kitchen so empty. Usually, it was filled with warmth, laughter, and the smell of delicious food. To see it stripped bare was strangely eerie. Frowning, she crept down the hall to the front door, opening it just enough to peek her head through.

The crickets and waves were slightly louder, but otherwise, nothing caught her attention. She slipped outside anyway, crossing the front porch, taking the steps, and turning the corner to check the compost pile. A pair of glowing eyes caught her attention, and the knot of tension in her chest loosened a little.

It was a lizard crow, its scaly body blending into the nighttime shadows. Upon seeing Korra, it tilted its head, staring her down as though daring her to approach.

"Shoo," Korra said, taking a step forward and sending a gentle puff of air toward the lizard crow. "Come back in the morning, when you won't wake anyone up."

The lizard crow let out a raspy caw, then opened its wings, flying away from the compost pile and disappearing into the starry sky. Korra breathed a sigh of relief. At least that's over. She smiled, already looking forward to climbing back in bed with her mate. Asami's scent and the warmth of the omega's body always comforted her...

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