Getting Smarty back

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1 week later*

At the castle of Toon town, Savy was in her room writing her diary as she has tears*

Crystal hears from outside

Savy stops writing and cries*

Savy: It's been a week and he's not back... Maybe I should leave too... *takes off the wedding ring and puts it on her diary*

Savy packs up her things*

Crystal gasped and ran to the others

Crystal- Guys ! Guys !

Wheezy smokes feeling upset cause his kids won't speak to him anymore*


Psycho jumps*

Stupid: Hey Crystal...

Crystal - Savy is going to move out !!

Lexy: What?!

Slimy: Smarty moved out too, he didn't even come back!

Crystal - We have to find Smarty to make things right !

Wheezy: What's the point of finding him, cause of us, our kids don't want to speak to us anymore!

Crystal- That's because you were unfairly judging him !

Wheezy smokes: If my kids don't want me anymore, I'm moving out.

Psycho: Me too.

Stupid: Me three.

Roxie- Fine

Rouge- But if you don't help

Crystal- We'll divorce you

The kids looked and feel bad*

Wheezy: Fine, let's see if my kids stop me. *walks away*

Bluebell whimpers and crawls to him*

Bluebell- Daddy ! No go !

Wheezy stopped and looked*

Bluebell hugs him

Bluebell- No go Daddy ! Me wuv u !

Wheezy cries happily and picks her up: I love you too sweetie.

Buffy and the batlets went over to Psycho and snuggle him

Psycho smiles and snuggles them*

Goofball snuggles his Dad

Poppy snuggles her father too*

Stupid smiles and hugs them*

Crystal - I guess you still want to leave me

Wheezy: We changed our mind.

Psycho: Yeah.

Crystal- Prove it then

Wheezy hugs her*

Crystal - Oh

She looks

Wheezy kisses her cheek*

Crystal blushes pink and smiles

Crystal - Okay honey. Let's go

In the Toon Motel....

Smarty is sitting on his bed all depressed , with bags under his eyes and drinking wine from the bottle

Smarty looks at the ceiling*

Hr had tears running down his eyes

Smarty- Savy.....

Smarty cries*

He sees some thin rope on the dresser and takes one more drink before he makes a noose

Psycho looks around: Boss!!!

Crystal- Smarty!

Wheezy: Where are you?

Crystal- They said he is in room 34A !

Smarty hangs the noose up as he takes one more drink

Psycho looks to find the room*

They spot it

Greasy kicked the door down

Smarty looks

Wheezy: Boss! What are you doing?!

Smarty- Just get out of here !

He throws the wine glass at the wall

Greasy: No! *as he cuts the noose*

Crystal went in and is shocked

Crystal- Oh my God !

Wheezy: Why are you trying to kill yourself?!

Smarty- Isn't it obvious ?! You all compared me to my devil Dad ! You all turned against me !

Psycho: We didn't mean to!

Smarty- Now Savy hates me ! And my kids hate me ! They NEVER wanna see me again !!

Greasy: Then why is Savy and your kids crying about you?

Smarty- Don't try and fool me ! Savy clearly said she NEVER wants to speak to me again !! So I'm not !

Wheezy: Well she's leaving!

Smarty- Just leave me alone for dead !

Psycho: No!

Smarty grabbed his gun and tries to shoot himself

Greasy: No! *takes the gun from him* This isn't you!

Smarty- Oh yeah ?! And how would you know ?! You clearly don't need me anymore !

Wheezy: Crystal help us out here.

Crystal - Hey. I'm not the one who hurt him.

Wheezy: Look the point is your fearless, and your Cat Noir, Savy can't do anything without you.

He looks at them

Stupid gives him his badge: Come back with us boss.

Smarty looks down

Smarty- I didn't mean for any of this to happen...... I didn't know the animal control would arrived ..

Wheezy: It's okay, Hector decided for Lyle to stay with Joanna.

Smarty- Fine... But I can't go back looking like this....

Greasy: We'll help fix you up.

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