Finding Smarty and the gang

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Back with Savy, they arrived at the village*

John- Here we are

Savy sees the village of monsters*

Snow Blade growls unaware the same two Weyland workers spy on them while watching Snow Blade

John: Yep, this is our new home. *looks* Squirty! Stop squirting your chest near those flowers!

Squirty stops

John: Sorry about that. So Savy, are you feeling okay?

Savy: A little. I'll just stretch out my wings. Chaos wings *as nothing happened* Huh? Chaos wings! *as nothing still didn't happen* I... I lost my wings...

John- Maybe it's because you feel so sad

Savy checks her chaos heart, it is completely dark*

Savy: I... I lost all my love... I couldn't sing on the caboose as well.

John looks

John: Maybe you should have something to eat.

Savy: Maybe you're right.

They head to the small restaurant and a monster served them food*

The wolf pup wags her tail*

She barks

Savy feeds the little pup*

John: You know lots of things has changed since you left.

Savy- Huh ?

John: All the humans left and new monsters have formed, but other than that we like new folks her.

Savy: I.... *feels dizzy* See....

He looks

John: Savy? Are you okay?

Savy collapsed on the ground*

John: Savy! *runs to her* Savy wake up! Savy!

20 minutes later in the village hospital*

John, Pyramid head and Snow blade sits while Pyramid head holds the puppy*

Snow Blade growls

Monster nurse came downstairs*

John: We'll how is she?

Monster nurse: Due to the fact Savy lost all her love, she couldn't even breathe, we put breathing tubes in her nose to stay alive.

John- Oh God ..

Pyramid head grunts oh no"

They went in the room and see Savy resting on the hospital bed with two tubes in her nose*

Weyland spy 1-( To the talkie ) Just as we expected. Sir , since Savy is now weak this will give us the chance to let em loose

Weyland spy 2: Roger that.

John: We need to find help fast. *puts the puppy on Savy* Watch her, we'll be right back!

The puppy barked*

They left, however MC was at the window grinning*

With the heroes...

They arrive at the wolf cave*

Arabella- Wow!

Tops: More wolves!

Arabella- Duh !

The puppies smelled Arabella and the others*

Arabella looks

Tops giggles: They like you.

Arabella giggles

Wheezy: Should we ask them if they seen Savy?

Smarty- Have you seen Savy ? She's my wife

The wolves looked each other they whine as they see her with a monster armed guy and a pyramid head along with a snowy alien*

Smarty- Great. Where are they ?

??: Hello?! Somebody?! Anybody?! We need help!

Smarty- Huh ?

They looked and see John

Smarty- John?! What are you doing here ?!

John sees them: Oh. Surprise to see you guys again.

Smarty- Why are you so rude all of the sudden ?

John crosses his arms: You broke a law of no arguing remember?

Smarty- It's not my fault ! It was her fault ! She was the one who said she wanted to divorce me over an honest mistake , and I'm the bad guy ?!

John: What?! She didn't say that!

Pyramid head growls*

John: Look, Savy is sad and she told that you left him and she thought you wouldn't come back.

Crystal- Now in Smartys defense : Savy IS THE ONE WHO LEFT FIRST after she said she NEVER wants to see him again !!! So he had every right to leave !!

John: Oh. Well on the way to the village she told me she regret for what she said and *looks* Oh no he's doing it again. Give me a second. Squirty come here, come here, no I'm not, I'm not gonna hurt you, Squirty I said *smacks him* I TOLD YOU NEVER TO SQUIRT THERE AGAIN! AS LONG AS I LIVE, NOW SQUIRT OVER THERE! NOW!! *went back to them* Sorry about that, Squirt's gotten out of hand.

They all froze in shock

John: As I was saying, Savy explained everything to me and she regrets of what she done and she was deeply heartbroken, she was hoping you would come back to talk to her.

Smarty- Look. I left because I thought she didn't wanna see me again , and I almost COMMITTED suicide because of the fight

John: She was hoping you would see her again, but you didn't came. Look she hurt her leg, but worse, she can't fly, she can't use her healing powers and she can't sing anymore, but things got worse, Savy collapsed and we took her to the hospital, she has trouble breathing. I don't think she's gonna make it...

Arabella- Okay I'm saying this because it's true! SHE NEEDS TO STOP THAT RUNNING AWAY BULL CRAP!!! ITS GETTING ANNOYING!!!

Snow blade growls at her*

She flips him off

John: Okay I was going to lead you to where Savy is but nevermind, let's leave them guys.

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