Finding the caboose

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Grey is sad for becoming a bully*

He unties Laura who looks at him

Grey: Go back to your family.

Laura- Grey...

Maisie: Red can fix you Grey, after all we like you better as a normal ant creature as well.

Laura- Honestly ....( Blushes ) He is cute as a normal ant but he is very handsome and hot as a waspy/ant hybrid

Grey smiles*

Green: And we're sorry for making fun of you Grey, we didn't know we act like bullies as well.

Orange came back with Asuna all normal again after the paralysing wore off

Joanna: Asuna!

Asuna - The paralyzing wore off !

Red: Good news is there is a way to fix Grey.

Laura- Awwww , I like him this way

She holds his muscular arm

Grey: Well I feel like this is my bully form...

Laura seemed a little disappointed.

Laura- Okay then...

Grey felt bad and lifted her chin and she looks at him

Grey: I'll ask Red if there might be a way to turn me back to this.

Laura- Okay.

He then brought his beak close to her lips making her blush

Laura- Grey ?

Grey kisses her*

Laura- Mmm !

Purple: Oh boy.

Violette- Get used to it honey , she's growing up. Remember we fell in love with her age~ besides, we're having another baby~

Purple smiles: Yes we are.

Laura- Huh? You're having a baby again?!

Purple: Yep, your going to be a big sister.

Laura-( Smiles ) That's amazing !!

Purple: Yep!

Laura hugs her parents before Pink looks and sees Blue

Pink- Blue !

Blue wakes up: Wha-What happened?

She ran over to him and hugs him

Blue: Oh!

Pink- I was so worried about you !! What happened ?!

Blue: I don't know, I was walking trying to find out who did this, next thing I know, I blanked out.

Purple- You we're controlled by Grey !

Blue: What?!

He turned and sees Grey

Blue: Ah!

Laura- It's okay it's okay. He's not hurting us

Blue: Oh.

Grey- Yeh. You were under my control to hurt Green and the others

Blue: Oh my.

Red: But I'm going to fix him up now.

Maisie- Alrighty

With the Heroes....

They head to Nevada*

Smarty- Are you sure this is the right path ? It's too hot !

Malikai: My nose is never wrong.

Arabella- Oh ! When we are here can we go to Las Vegas ?!

Malikai: Later. *sees the snowy mountains* Oh here we are.

They went in the snowy mountains*

Tigs: Okay I see the train tracks up there and down there is... *sees the broken caboose* Oh no.

Smarty- The guy said she might have survived

Arabella-( To Malikai ) You're mean ! You're neglectful !

Malikai snuggles her: I wuv you sis.

Arabella- Awwww I wuv u too bro ! I don't want to fight like when we were akumatized !

Malikai: I agree.

They went to the broken caboose to look*

Smarty- Savy ? Savy ?

Wheezy saw a trail of blood*

Crystal- Hey guys. Look !

They went and see a bloody trail

Psycho: She did survived!

Smarty- Told you !

Wolfy and wolfina sniffs the trail*

They follow them

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