Smarty is back

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With Maisie and the others...

Maisie watches Alli play with Orange*

They see Sharon still flirting with Green

Tito smiles*

Joanna pets Petite*

Trixie sees her and glares

Gosha- I don't like her pet ..... Ew , Persian cats.

Trixie: I know!

Troy pats Melody's back*

Porsha: Hey I know what we can do to make you feel better, how about we go shopping?

Jenny- NOT everyone goes shopping to cheer up Porsha

Porsha: Yeah your right.

Rosa: Rosa.

Laura came with Grey*

Laura- Hey guys !

Maisie: Hi Laura. *sees Grey* Who is this?

Laura- Oh guys. This is Grey. He is the rejected Rainbow Friend

They are shocked*

Goggles: Why are you rejected?

Grey has tears: They called me names and called me a bug eyed freak.

Laura- I found him hiding in a box . He tlsaid they rejected him because he is Grey and a mutant bug. Red , Blue , everyone except Pink and Yellow

Tito: Ai ai ai.

Laura- I know. And his real name was Gary

Pipsy: Nice name.

Laura- Besides. I think he is kind cute

Grey chuckles*

Maisie went over to him

Maisie: We don't think your a freak, you are amazing.

Grey- Huh ? Really ?

Krunch: Yeah. Your cool as a bug.

Grey smiles a little

Maisie: Come, we'll help you

Back at Toon patrol hq, Jake and his siblings are sad*

Manic: First dad now mom?

Sonia has tears: We'll never see either one of them again...

Kelly is sad

Angel sniffles*

Ratter wiped his tears*

Midnight feels sad for him

Ratter hugs Midnight*

Then all of a sudden, Smarty and the others came in*

Jake: Dad!

Manic: Your back!

Smarty- Hey kids

They hugged him*

Smarty- Oh !

Kelly: We knew you would come back!

Manic: Did you get mom back?

Smarty- I tried to. But I didn't get there on time....

Manic: Oh....

Jake: But you missed out a lot, Lyle finally sing on stage and he gets to stay with Joanna.

Smarty- I know.

Crystal-( Quietly ) Between us , he almost committed suicide before we made it there

They gasped*

Smarty- Crystal !

She zipped her lips

Wheezy feels bad*

The kwamis are sad in Savy and Smarty's bedroom as they looked at her diary laying on the bed with her wedding ring on it*

Smarty- Did Savy take Tikki ?

Jake: No... All the kwamis are in your room.

Smarty- Oh.

Mr Kat looks at the diary feeling sad along with Daug*

Smarty went in

Kat sees him: Meow!

Plagg sees and gasps

Plagg: Your back! *hugs him*

Smarty- Whoa !

Plagg: We knew you'd came back!

Wayzz: But Savy left her diary.... Along with her wedding ring...

Smarty held her wedding ring and sighed sadly

He decided to read her diary and looks*

Her new page says "Why is this happening?! Why didn't Smarty come back?! I waited all week and four days for him to come back, but he never came back! Did he move on with someone else or did he leave Los Angeles forever?! Maybe Jennica is right.... I don't deserve love... Which is why I'm leaving...I even made a cupcake for Smarty but Stupid ate it... I'm deeply heartbroken and I'll never see him again....

He gasped softly and tears

Tikki: She missed you alot, but she's really heartbroken...

Smarty - This is all my fault ...I ruined everything

Wheezy: I'll try to talk to the train desk guy to try and contact the train Savy is on.

Tikki: We'll she took her Kwatagama.

Smarty- Why there ?

Wheezy: It might be a chance to contact her. Maybe she might come back.

Markus: Hope so...

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