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Cyclone flew through the grass like the wind, baby bunnies in tow. They were racing against the Wind fairy who volunteered to take them out running for their morning stretch. Cyclone always had much fun racing others, since he had the advantage of the wind by his side.

"C'mon, slow pokes! Kick those hind legs, catch me!" he taunted, flying faster. They chased him through yellow autumn meadows, flower gardens and even over rivers. Cyclone was having fun, and decided to wanted to play a little more with the bunnies.

A little bit before they arrived at their burrow, Cyclone took a sharp left, catching the bunnies off guard. "Haha! Tricked ya!" he said, looking back at them.

"Oi, Cyclone! Watch out-"

Before Cyclone could turn back to the front, he found himself colliding with a tree, straight on the noggin. "YOWCH!" Dizzy from the collision, Cyclone stumbled weirdly on his feet when he heard sounds of running rushing towards.

Oh man.

One by one, the bunnies crashed into Cyclone, engulfing him in nothing but fluff and fur. A bunch of yellow and brown leaves fell on top of them. Thankfully because his body was in front of the tree, none of the bunnies were hurt.

Cyclone could hear a hearty belly laugh coming towards them. "Oh my god, that was AMAZING! I've never seen anything so funny in my life!"

Cyclone poked his head out of the bundle of fur and flew off a leaf out of his face. He glared at Gopal, pouting. "Shut it, you. Come here and get me outta this mess."

"Haha, but you look so comfy though," Gopal said, but regardless he went over to help his friend out of the pile of bunnies. After getting rid of what seemed like a whole mountain of fur, the duo took the bunnies back to their burrow, where the rest of their friends were.

"Yaya, Ying, you won't believe what just happened!" Gopal called, immediately bursting into laughter again. The two girls were amused, and went to meet their friends.

"C'mon, it was just an accident!" Cyclone argued.

"What happened, Cyclone?" Yaya asked, arranging a few flower petals she picked out in her hands.

Cyclone crossed his arms, "I just wanted to mess with the bunnies a bit today, so I took a different route. I just didn't expect that tree to be there..."

Ying let out a little snicker, to which Cyclone glared at. Gopal didn't hide it and just laughed loudly. Even Yaya couldn't help but giggle a little. "I see, are you okay? Any injuries?"

Cyclone sighed, "I'm perfectly fine, just a bump on the head. The bunnies are fine too."

Yaya smiled, "That's good then. Come on, Gopal told us that it's almost their breakfast time before he went to fetch them."

After waiting for Gopal to finish his laughing fit, the group brought the bunnies back to their burrow where their food was already prepped up for them.

"Oh yeah, Cyclone. One of your senior fairies told us to tell you that the Queen is looking for you," Ying reminded, feeding one of the hungry bunnies their veggies.

"The Queen? Did my senior say what for?" Cyclone asked. As far as he knew, he hadn't scheduled anything with the Queen that day.

Ying just shrugged her shoulders, "No, though it looks like he didn't know either. He just said to tell you to visit the Queen after playing with the bunnies."

Cyclone nodded to her. The Queen was the one who gave Cyclone his name, and the one who looked after him since he bloomed. Now that he was a little older, he wasn't sure what gave him the pleasure to be taken care of by the Queen herself.

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