A Little Peak

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Cyclone jumped excitedly as he got himself ready for the day. Today was his first day on the job as the leader of Spring-coming, and he was so stoked to get to work.

He'd almost skipped breakfast in a daze of excitement. After stuffing some berries into his mouth, he made a beeline towards the Sacred Tree. When he arrived, Jungle and some Nature fairies were already there waiting for him.

"Good morning, Cyclone!" Jungle greeted, "Are you ready for your first day?"

"Good morning, Jungle. Good morning, everyone! I'm so excited to get started!" Cyclone couldn't get himself to rest his wings and flew around in circles. "What are we going to do first?"

"Well, you're the leader! You get to choose," Jungle reminded with a chuckle.

Oh, right! Cyclone pulled out the list of tasks the Mistress of Spring gave to him. He figured he started off pretty simple and go down the line as he went. "Let's go see how the flowers are doing!"

"Sure, off to the flower meadow we go then."

Cyclone and Jungle made their way to the flower meadow, where the Nature fairies worked and cared for the flowers. It looked a little empty as it was still winter season, but there were still many colourful flowers around.

The Nature fairies were happy to see them and showed their progress. The flowers for the Spring-coming ceremony were in the works, as well as the berries for the animals returning from the Winter border.

"Oh, before I forget. Here, take these," one of the Nature fairies brought out a big leaf bundled to the brim with berries. "These berries were requested by the Animal fairies. They're for the animals' feeding time. If you could bring it to them when you leave, we'd really appreciate it."

"Oh, sure! No problem." Cyclone nearly fell over when he handled the berries.

"Thanks. Have a nice day!" the Nature fairy tipped his hat to them and went off back to his work.

After that, Cyclone and Jungle went over to meet the Animal fairies. "Hey, Gopal!" Cyclone called to his friend. Gopal turned to see them, and went to greet them in the air.

"'Ello, guys! Came to visit, did ya?"

"We're here to see how the homes for the returning animals are coming along! And also to deliver these... heavy berries from the Nature fairies," Cyclone could barely see Gopal from carrying so many berries in his hands.

Jungle chuckled, "If you could lend us a hand, Gop. I'm sure Cyclone would really appreciate it."

"Right away!"

Gopal handled most of the berries and the Animal fairies stored them in a hollow tree trunk. In the meantime, Cyclone took a look around the animal sanctuary. The Animal fairies were cleaning out some burrows and nests in trees, some were also reorganizing the homes for the animals.

"Woah... This place is so cool. So the animals all stay here?" Cyclone said as he looked around.

Gopal laughed, "'Course not! This is just one of the many animal sanctuaries we have here. There's plenty more for different kinds of critters."

"I didn't know that! I guess I've only just been visiting your sanctuary." Cyclone then had a little realization, "Does that mean that I have to go through all of them...?"

Jungle giggled, "Well, that's how it's supposed to be." Gopal guffawed at Cyclone while Jungle pet his head in an attempt to comfort the poor fairy. "The sooner we get through them, the sooner we'll progress. Ready to leave, Cyclone?"

"Yeah.... See ya, Gopal..." Cyclone sobbed, body lazy as his wings took him back up into the air. Gopal waved them goodbye with the giggles.

They indeed visited all of the animal sanctuaries and even delivered some berries to them just like how they did with Gopal's side. Before they knew it, it was nearing the late afternoon.

Jungle had been requested by his Nature fairy friends for some extra hands, so Cyclone had been left to finish off the day by himself until he returned. He visited the Water fairies and they asked for some help to transport some water to the Light fairies. Of course, he decided to help them.

Cyclone was taking small steps along the man-made path, carrying a large leaf of water in his hands. He was quick to realize that he couldn't fly with the water, as he would just spill it all with his reckless flying.

Cyclone made it to a crossroad on he path. He remembered the Water fairies saying to turn left to get to the Light fairies, so he turned to keep moving when he felt a cold breeze brush over him from the right side.

Cyclone stopped and turned to the road leading to the right. He knew that it led to the Winter border, but he never actually walked down the path. He knew that he had to deliver the water to the Light fairies, but his curiosity got the better of him.

So, he went down the right path.

Immediately, Cyclone could feel the temperature change as he walked down the path. Eventually, the path turned into a giant log walkway with moss and hanging vines all over. The more Cyclone walked, the colder it got.

The original path returned and Cyclone was led to a left turn. When Cyclone turned the corner, his eyes went wide. The Winter border was at the end of the path.

Cyclone's legs moved on their own, and the next moment, he was in front of the giant log that bridged the two borders. Cyclone hugged the water filled leaf in his hands, completely speechless as he looked into the Winter border.

Everything was white, not a single other colour in sight. There were also white particles dropping from the sky, it intimidated Cyclone. And why was it so cold?

It hurt Cyclone's eyes to keep staring at white nothingness, but something caught his eye among it all. It wasn't jarring, but it was still a different other colour than white. As he squinted, the figure became slightly clearer.

It was a fairy, it was hard to see, but Cyclone wasn't mistaken. The fairy was sitting in the neverending whiteness on the ground, playing with something. The fairy had the fairest skin he had ever seen, and the purest hair he'd never seen before. The shade of the fairy's clothes were also something Cyclone had never seen before. It was all so mysterious to him.

Cyclone wanted to get a closer look, so he took a step forward. He'd crunched onto the snow, and it instantly startled the Winter fairy. The fairy saw him, and immediately started to run into the trees.

"W-wait! I didn't mean to scare you! Wait!" Cyclone yelled after them. The fairy didn't stop, so he took a big breath. "Please come back tomorrow, I want to meet you! I'll wait for you!!"

Cyclone didn't even know if the fairy heard him or not, he could just hope. When he gripped the water filled leaf, he realized it was hard.

"Ah! Oh no! I was so distracted, the water hardened! Oh, Jungle is gonna be so mad!" Cyclone scrambled to get off the log and quickly flew back into the Summer border, the thought of the Winter fairy lingering at the back of his mind still.

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