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Once again you were at a sleepover at April's but you had your mask back on, April didn't really care about it she was just happy she could spend time with you. You guys had so much fun that you almost forgot about the call she was on and, the voice. You tried to not think about it but you couldn't help yourself you had fell for someone voice without even seeing the person.

(Time skip) it was now night and you and April were going to sleep. April thought you were asleep and called someone then you heard"your conversing with donatello " April said something but you didn't care. That voice.. It made you feel butterflies in your stomach, but why did you feel this
Fuck you didn't understand feelings. April headed out and you decided to follow her for some reason you were just like that. After awhile she had gone through an Alley and down a manhole thing(I forgot the word) and you decided to go in as well to see what was down there and why April was going down it. After a little walking you reached a room with April and.. Four frog- tur- TURTLES. You hid as you heard them talk "oh hi April! " you heard one of them talk, it was the one in orange, then you heard one talk "hi April why did you want to come down here" butterflies began to spread through your stomach it was the same voice as the person on the call. But you noticed one of them was staring at the direction you were in, you thought that it was just a coincidence but he said"hold up guys I think I heard someone from over there" fuck. He headed towards you once you saw him and he saw you you passed out scared. You heard them talking but you couldn't really hear them it was just mumbles then the big red one picked you up, that's the one you saw that made you pass out. You couldn't hear them that good but you could hear April say " y/n! Why are they down here" after that you couldn't hear anything else, no mumbles nothing then you felt you were put down on something like a chair then you started to wake up "shit uh hi y/n! " "a-april what- were am i" you tried to sound like you didn't know what happened and it worked " nowhere now lets get you home! " you nodded as you stood up almost falling though and you couldn't see any one the turtles but you did see one peek there head out of a room, it was the one in orange but you didn't pay much mind to it and you went home and fell asleep.
               I talk here
(A/N) hi I said I wasn't going to post for a few days but I have like 9 day off from school and I was bored so-
Anyway I hoped you enjoyed byeeee

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