picking it up+sleepover

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You couldn't write today because you had ran out of paper like all of your sketch books and your diary had been completely full and your mom couldn't get more cuz she said she would do it next week "sigh. I have nothing to do" "you actually do" "AH STOP DOING THAT MOM PLEASE! " "no anyway you have your old guitar you could try picking it up you hadn't played in over a year" you had thought about it and you had remember all the good times you had playing "you know what I will pick it up I think I will have fun playing it again" "good anyway I have to go again" "AGAIN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME THE LAST TIME I WAS ALONE" "what happened- you know what I don't want to know but anyway there is food in the kitchen and again don't do anything stupid for the love of God" "okay mom! You can count on me! " "okay good now bye" she then left the room "you can't count on me hehe"

you then got up and went to your closet and started looking for your guitar "where are you where are you Ah here you are! " you said pretty happy "Im pretty sure I remember how to play some songs" you then strung a few cords and then started to play feel good Inc by gorillaz "feel good" you started to sing also I'm I gonna put the rest of you singing, no I don't remember the lyrics that much and it is 1 AM

Once you were done you looked through your window to see a surprised turtle, you then let him in "you can play the guitar?! "he looked really surprised "uh I actually can I started playing around two years ago but I kinda stopped for awhile "he still looked shocked "I don't even know what to say" "well for starters you can tell me how great I am" "even though I wont tell you that you were pretty good" "you did just tell me how good I am" he rolled his eyes "eye roll" "whatever" you started to strung a few strings again not knowing what to play "can you play alien blues" "yes I can" you started to sing while playing.

Alien blues was your favorite song so you remember the lyrics and how to play it.

Once you were done (I don't feel like writing the lyrics) Donnie looked shocked even though you could tell he doesn't show emotions that much but you were happy he liked it "that was amazing!" he started to happy stim "your welcome" you blushed a little 'why am I blushing I dont- NOOO' "anyway want to go get some food I think my mom left some in the kitchen for me but I can give you some" he thought about it "sure" "also no one is home so" you both headed down stairs and went into the kitchen "GASP  F/F(favorite food) " you also started to happy stim

You both ate and it was really good. When you were done you both went upstairs. "Can I try to play" "sure if you need any help just ask"

it was getting late then you got a text from your mom
Mom: honey I won't be home until tomorrow in the afternoon

Y/n: oh okay be safe


"Hey don't do you want to stay over my mom won't be home until tomorrow afternoon"
"Sure let me just text my brothers" he took out his phone and started texting a group chat "anddd send I just told them so they don't freak out" "wanna watch a movie we have popcorn" "you have Jupiter Jim? "  "I have streaming services of course I have Jupiter Jim" you started to build this thingy with blankets and pillows

Once you were done you started talking "ookay I'm done, now let's watch some shit!! " you both sat/layed down and started to watch Jupiter Jim

(Few hours later)

You noticed that Donnie was asleep so you turned off the TV and tried to Get up but Donnie was cuddling you so you decided to just stay there you then began to think about a few hours ago when you blushed at Donnie 'I don't have crush on him do I?' You blushed at the thought 'I definitely do' you were feeling sleepy so you decided to go to sleep

               I talk here

Hellooo I am posting again also I am listening to orphan tears rn for some reason but this is my longest thingy for some reason but anyway byeeee

rise donnatello×y/n (DISCONTINUED) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ