August, 2022.

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"ye but i don't see why we can't name our cat Crumble"
"Bc I wanna name it Lego"
"wtf?? why Lego of all fucking things??"
"Theo stop being racist."
"i hate you so much."
"Just cos I'm black, isn't it?"
"yes we can name the cat Lego. asswipe."
"I love you :D"
"oh im sure you do"


"Its so hot I think my ass is condensating." moans Cassper in the most pathetic little school boy voice they've ever produced, and I don't even bother to laugh. A slight "tch" leaves my lips, followed by an eye roll and a smile, and they groan in response. Carly and Simon went to grab Ciel from the bus stop, and Abi seems to be ripping her jeans further. With a pocket knife. Seen safer methods, but who am I to argue with the knife welder, innit? "Dickhead forgot the capri-suns so we had to buy some, sorry if we took forever." Comes a soft, drained yet content voice from the pathway, and Cassper practically launches themself at the boy talking's goods. "Dude how have you finished a whole four bottles of water? You're gonna piss yourself!" To this they smirk at me, retort "Not if your mouth is open, baby girl," and mouth a kiss. Nikki slaps them softly, and the redhead defeatedly focuses on their drink. There's a chorus of laughter, and Abigail finally turns on her speaker. "One rule, Theo does not get to choose a song." I scoff, pout and fold my arms. "Everyone loves my djing skills. For example, Revenge is an absolute banger. Not my fault you don't have a good taste in music." And we jokingly bicker about whether Minecraft music is quality or not, while Carly connects herself to the speaker and plays Bohemian Rhapsody. "Oh yeah, cos this is better." The sarcasm stings my tongue, but I know full well I'll be the one screaming it a few shots in. The time reads 8:55pm, and we're sat in the woods 10 minutes from my house, exactly 5 minutes from the lake. And all is well.

A squirrel catches my eye, and my gaze stalks it up the tree it sat beneath originally. What a beautiful creature, so- "So who's pouring up?" and immediately I sit on the floor and take the plastic cups from my bag, as well as the half empty bottle of rosé. Not to forget the four pack of Carlings and medium flask of Glenn's vodka. Cassper, Abi and Nikki hand me their respective alcoholic bottles, and after orders are taken they are served. For mixers we just grabbed Vimto and lemonade, though Cassie decided they wanted theirs mixed with their already open capri-sun. The sun setting brings a soft smile to my face, before I jump and reach into the front of my bag to pull out my rolling shit. I cannot roll drunk for the life of me. I hand Abi the cardboard strip while i fumble with the plastic bag, and the sound of grinding competes with the volume of the music. But, a solid 10 minutes later, we've got 5 rolls on standby and nobody is drinkless. I take a sip, fight with my lighter, and take the first drag. Always the most vile. Simon takes his seat beside me, a little off-put by the smell but happy to be here, and I smile at him. His soft blue eyes never failed to catch me off guard. Despite being twins, he and Nikki have different eye colours. Hers are brown, his are a soft blue. I always hated the colour blue, felt like it was trying too hard. Yet when it comes to him, I suppose I can let my reserves go. I take a few more drags before passing it to Nikki, and proceed to down half of my drink before cringing. Straight vodka always hits weird. But y'know at least Sie found it funny.

11:35pm. There's a threat of rain, but we aren't particularly fucked. The dark sky means Carly can shed a few layers, and her snow skin challenges the moon as she lays and stares off at it, her pink eyes rattling softly in their sockets and a stupid smile plastered on her face. Nikki sits beside her and requests a kiss, which her intoxicated girlfriend grants with a giggle, and they start to talk about God knows what. Ciel is half asleep and playing candy crush, Abi is throwing up behind a tree and Cassper is waiting patiently with a non alcoholic drink for her ready to go. We've got two rolls left, a fair bit of alcohol considering the amount we came with, and the cig in my mouth is effectively free therapy for my intoxicated self. I never leave without one, unless of course I'm on my way to buy more. This is the first out of the pack, always the best. Simon walks (stumbles) back from his call with his mum and takes a seat beside me, yawning and chucking to himself. "You're fit." And I can't not laugh at that.

"I'm fit?"
"Oh yes you are."

And I flash a shy smile before kissing him, one or two or five times. Abi walks back from her tree and grabs her coat, and I take this as the cue to head back. "Right, cmon its goofy hour." Nikki calls me a freak but pulls herself and Carly up, and it doesn't really hit me how drunk Cass is until their face nearly finds the floor. So, we walk to my house, Carly holding Cassper upright while I finish off my cig and she lights her own. My parents are visiting my aunt on account of her newborn, so obviously I was gonna invite the group back. Ciel and Abi opt to take the living room, and considering they're both completely fucked I tell them to help themselves to food and just shout or texf if they need anything, and to not throw up anywhere but the sink or toilet if possible. Nikki and Carly are staying in my parents' room, and Simon and I in mine. Cassper will probably wind up in the living room also, considering they always have dibs on the inflatable mattress, but I assume they're gonna take a minute in the bathroom.

Being on a bed is a weird feeling, but one I quickly adapt to. And Simon sits - then lays - beside me, kissing at first my cheek, then my lips, then slowly finds his way to my neck. And a smirk builds on my face. I pull him in, he laughs and holds me tight, and our lips find eachother's again. The time reads 11:59, and then... 00:00. "Happy birthday, gorgeous," I whisper breathlessly, and his fingers find my hair. I don't think I care much about the time right now. The rain taps my window softly as I fight with the zip on my jeans.

Goodnight to me, indeed.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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