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Of all the things to have happened to Eda, sudden non-consensual strangling via Abomination goo was definitely one of the things she did not expect to happen to her. She did her best to brace for impact as she and Lilith were being dragged down into the sewers, the landing knocked Lilith out cold while it almost knocked all the wind out of her. All of a sudden she was thrown against one of the sewer walls, she collided shoulder first and felt a pop followed by excruciating pain in her dominant shoulder, any attempts to move her arm were in complete vain. A sense of dread kicked as she realized that her arm was dislocated, what made matters worse was that Lilith was unconscious and she was also separated from her Palisman Owlbert when she and Lilith were grabbed.

Her distress would only worsen when she heard what her attacker sounded like, it was cold monotone and devoid of all emotion.

"Intruders detected: detain and apprehend for immediate Cyber-conversion."

Out from the shadow emerged a modified Mondasian Cyberman, it looked like most models of Cyber-Mondan except for a face or mask that looked like masks worn by Coven scouts. No, no that couldn't be possible, those monsters had done something she never thought possible: Cyber witches!

Like a prey animal, she helplessly began stepping back, trying to get as much distance as possible from the threat. It proved moot though, the Cyber witch used abomination magic to grip her leg, knocking her off balance and dragging her to them. She tried to grab something with her only functioning arm in an attempt to buy herself some time, but no such luck came with the attempt as there were no cracks or protrusions on the sewer floor to allow her purchase of much-needed time. Seeing no other alternative, she hastily detached her leg, playing her last possible card in a deadman's hand in this game of life and death. She had expended all her options, and now all she could do was steam for some stranger or good samaritan to help.

Lilith was stirred awake by the blood-curdling screams from her younger sister, any daze was flushed from her system. She saw a figure with a coven scout-like mask, strapped to all sorts of ungodly contraptions wielding abomination magic. It seemed to be attacking Eda, In urgency, she grabbed her staff and fired off a blast at the figure, whatever the hell they were. She managed to hit them in the arm, causing a gruesome and bloody explosion that sent bits of flesh, metal and bone everywhere. Unfortunately for Lilith, everywhere meant that there was now a shard of bone currently embedded in her left shoulder. Lilith let out a pained groan, if it weren't for the pain-numbing adrenaline that was flooding her system, she would scream and curse up a storm, but right now she was hellbent on protecting her little sister.

The monstrosity of metal and flesh that Lilith could only guess to be a 'Cyberman', tilted their head to the side and looked down at the stump where their arm once was, and to both Lilith's horror and amazement, used the Abomination goo to form a new arm. The Cyberman began to march towards her, converting their hand into an axe. Lilith braced herself before aiming her staff at the Cyberman's head before blasting it again.

It was a direct hit, unlike the shot to the arm the damage SEEMED minimal, the keyword was 'seemed'. The Cyberman's mask was damaged, revealing the face of a young witch seemingly in their early to mid-twenties, with basil-coloured eyes. Their eyes snapped out of a seemingly emotionless trance to reveal a look of shock, then sorrow and ended in horror as they looked at what they had become. In rapid succession, they went through the stages of grief, stopping short of acceptance. In one swift move, the witch used the abomination fluid to take their own life.
For a whole two minutes, the air was filled with a deafening silence. The events kept playing in the back of Lilith's mind: that thing, that Cyberman, was a witch -a young individual who had their whole life in front of them, only to have it be ruined by the Cybermen and then snuffed out by her. It wasn't even a quick or painless death either, no they had to see the monster that they had become. The thought of what the Cybermen did to make to increase their numbers made her blood boil, she was furious. However, before she could do anything rash, she heard Eda asking her for assistance.

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