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Every one step aside as they saw them coming through the entrance door way of the school

"Step aside every one they are here " one of the students in the hallway said

"They are here already" another one whispered

" Hey losers " one of the arrogant student of class 2 A the special class said

The scene looked like something out of a movie

Kids were whispering, screaming, running as they saw the Special class 2A entering

"Don't fool around jake let's go" another girl of class 2A said

She was known to be a psyco

"Those jerks ,I wish I could be one of them" kids started whispering as they saw class 2 A going inside their class

Class 2A a special class was more of treated like royalty in school. Kids in that class were called jerks and heartless
They loved to hurt people and make fun of them , they thought of themselves so highly, but in eyes of some students they were right thinking highly of themselves as they were the future of the country to fight against evil

This class was prepared to be guardian of the country to defeat evil causing harm in the world
No one knows from where super power comes in the body of a child
That's very rare but these kids are from the family line of heros

They aren't bad they are just different
Just different

" Nishimura Riki"
"Present sir "

The bell rings as the signal that the first period will begin

"Heeseung I heard we will be having a meeting today with the principal" ryoko a student of this class said

" Whatever that Baldy always loves to scold us" another boy Sunghoon replies

"Guys don't you think it's getting boring,why don't we throw a party for those losers tonight and play with them " Ari said with an evil smirk

" Love the idea " jay replies
"I am in " heeseung said
"Me too" jake announces
Slowly every agrees except jungwon and Hana
All of them looks at jungwon and hana with pleasing eyes and they reluctantly agrees

"But guys don't you think it will be too much" mei speak out and niki agreeing with it

"You guys don't be like that you are part of class 2 A or like they say class of heartless jerks" eunhae says

"Ok ok " both niki and mei agrees

Teacher enters their class

"So class we will be having a special meeting for you guys tomorrow come in principal's office by 4 pm" she says scanning each one of us with her eyes

"For what"jungwon asks
"Something very secret" she replies

Hey guys hope you like it
English isn't my first language so
I may make some mistakes

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