7. PHASE 1 part 2

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"jungwon, careful" mei informs jungwon
He just hummed in response and then turned his attention to the witches coming in their direction

With just a stare of his eyes they all fell from their broom

"Are they dead" mei confirms
Again jungwon just nodded shattering her hopes of having a conversation


" Jake over there ,now" eunhae commanded jake

Jake picked her up in bridal style and teleported behind those crazy hyenas

Then eunhae using her telekinesis threw a bunch of trees on them

"Phew! That was close" eunhae speak out

"Yes if we continued fighting and didn't pay attention then we would have been dead meat by now"jake expresses his annoyance

"It all happened because of you" eunhae fights back


"Everything is going how we planned isn't it " a mysterious shadow

"I think we were easy on them" another one whispers

"Don't worry we will level up the game in next phase "

The other one cheerfully giggles and mutters"those jerks deserve it "

"Jake is that you?" sunoo confirms looking at a shadow infront of them

It was dark in the forest now as sun has already set so they weren't able to recognise each other

"Yes it's me and eunhae" jake responses

"Are you alright eunhae" Sunghoon checks on her coming close to both of them

" Yes I am" she assures him
"How about you both"jake asks them
"Yes we are alright" sunoo too assures him

Slowly all of them once again meets

And then one of them realise

"It was all planned,our fight,our meeting and our partners "hana reveals

"I thought so too" jungwon agrees with her

"Guys look down " han jisung Mutters

All of them looked beneath and found themselves standing on a red circle
Saying "Death will begin"carved on the ground with blood

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