14. battle

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Sunoo pov

So this is all an illusion created by our subconscious brain because of some spell

This person is extremely powerful
But what if we die fighting the illusion
That will be our death too right cuz this is how this power works

I have known this power as someone cherished by me also had the same power until she died

No one saved her
Hope she is in better place now

I won against the illusion that's the reason I am in my senses and can see things around

It was a battle ground

Did we reach phase 3 ?


Eunae's pov

We all started gathering in the battle ground as soon as we completed our fight against the illusion

I was searching for Sunghoon the whole time but he was no where to be seen

Then we heard the same man's sound through the speaker

"One player has died fighting their illusion because of lack of will and power"

I couldn't believe my ears is that person Sunghoon

No, I bursted into tears

But someone appeared from the smoke that surrounded the battle ground

Sunghoon he is Sunghoon

I gathered myself up sprinted towards him and hugged him as tight as possible

The thing I did shocked both him and me

I kissed him and unexpectedly he kissed me back

If he is alright then who the hell is eliminated


We all saw Sunghoon and eunae
And tbh I saw everyone had a smile as if they were really happy for them

I always shipped them so I was excited too

But I was tensed who was eliminated
Cuz we were divided into groups

And the other 6 are on the other side of the smoke so it's not clear

Then we heard from those speakers

" The person who died was


Impossible she wasn't the one with less power or weak will

Why am I feeling sad we weren't close

Am I crying

I whipped my tears off my face and started to worry about sunoo,jay and Sunghoon hyung

As they were really close to her

I saw Sunghoon hyung shocked with tears dwelling in his eyes

Everyone was shocked and sad

Why am I remembering even the small moments spend with her

Jay's pov

Really Aeri is this your end it can't be

"Give me my sister back" I shouted because of pain I was feeling

I bursted into tears

She died saving Sunghoon's sister that's what we were told

People always badmouthed her but she
She was most kind person

Aeri whyy,,,, you can't leave us we were family

I couldn't stop my tears even when heeseung Hyung was comforting me

But this pain was too much

Heeseung's pov

Sunoo he lost her too
He lost his best friend again
I could see ,fear , guilt, sorrow in his eyes

He was just staring blankly on the land
He didn't want to accept the truth
He looked miserable

"Kill me too, I would prefer dying" he screamed on the top of this lungs
The pain was too much for him to bear
I felt sympathy towards him


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