5. Unexpected partners

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I opened my eyes slowly and saw an annoying yet beautiful face sleeping beside me in the middle of the forest
*What! in the middle of the forest*
I realised the situation and remembered what had happened a few minutes ago,
What are we even doing in the middle of the forest and where is everyone else

Suddenly the person beside opened her eyes and she realised the situation quicker than me ,I felt dumb

"Jay , where are others " she asked me like I would know
"Idk , what do you think we should do hana"I asked her
"We should go find them" she said


Jungwon's pov
I saw a figure staring at me
"What do you want" I asked her
"Huh hmm nothing nothing"she nervously replied

Really am I that intimidating

"Anyways where are we" I asked and looked around to see my surroundings

"A forest" she said
"Where are others hana, jay we need to find them " I said
"But how" mei confusingly asks
"By searching them and using our abilities " I coldly replied
"Oh ok"


I opened my eyes saw a man hugging me while sleeping so I immediately pushed him and he fell in the river next to us

"Wtf are you crazy" he shouted while swimming back to the shore
"Yes I mean no you were the one hugging me dude" I said
"Huh hugging you are you crazy it was you who hugged me while sleeping ms sleeping beauty I just didn't want to disturb you"
My face heated up from embarrassment
Ohh shit
And then I saw him removing his shirt
Wow holy God he has such a nice body and packs
"Eunhae don't you remember I can hear your thoughts
Holy moly how could I forget that it's more embarrassing


"Jay I found a note" I called him
"What does it say " jay asked
"Phase 1 begin now"
"What does it mean" jay asked me
"I am not sure" I replied

Suddenly bunch of wolfs started running towards
"Wtf is it "
"Hana stay behind me " with that she nodded
Using his powers he made a protective shield of air around us
Then he turned leaves into arrows and threw it in the direction of wolfs
Killing all of them in one go
That's just a glimpse of his power

Mission Escape | Enhyphen Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ