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"No, no I'm not! You see I'm friends with another keeper, they don't like what the others do. They made me a fake card and snuck in and wrote me onto the whitelist." Porter mumbled, "I despise Wilson."

They snuck to one of the door and pulled the lever half way before it got stuck. "Ah, well that's great."

"Oh my!" A somewhat childish voice said from behind, another lost one. "Ah, Heidi!" Porter chuckled as the girl rose to her feet, "Porter!" She responded. "Guyss, come on. Help me pull this door up." Audrey huffed as she reached her hands under the door and began to force it up. Porter then stepped beside her to help. "I could open the door easy you know." "Ah we'd love to, but sorry Heidi, no time for hide and seek today." Porter sighed, "How bout the next loop? I've got to help my friend Bobby get back home!"

All of a sudden the room went silent, "How did you know I'm not some random person? How did you know I wanted to go home? I never said that." Audrey asked nervously, "And.. you said Loop, right?" "Oh, yeah.. you've been here before Bobby. I'm currently in danger for being a cyclebreaker, but nobody is aware.. not yet anyways. Only you and Heidi." "You guys remember the loops?" The two lost ones nodded, "This is different. This is why I think you could get out this time, change things for everyone. We just have to get in here. And fast."

"Ahahahh.. Porter your giving away too much again!" Heidi huffed as she came over and helped them push the door rest of the way open, "Ignore him Audrey No need to overthink it. Just make the right decision!"

"Im.. so.. confused.." She mumbled, but then just shrugged it off as they walked into the next room. "Aha! We're here." Porter chuckled as he looked around, "Bobby come round here." He said, there was a room that had the numbers '414' on, so Audrey went over to the lever and pulled it down.

Porter watched and slowly backed away as she talked to the man, and went to the room 418, Pulling the lever to that down and opening it to a man playing the Banjo.

"Sammy! Oh it's great to see you!" Porter laughed. "Gosh finally, get me outta here." Sammy groaned as he stood up. Porter rushed over and grabbed a pipe, then hit the glass repeatedly, shattering it. "You came here alone?" Sammy asked as he grabbed his mask, banjo and claimed out. "Nope! I'm here with my friend Bobby! She's round the corner talkin to Henry." "Should we get him out?" Sammy asked. "Indeed! He can be helpful!" Porter chuckled and stepped forward.

"Wait a second, I got this for ya." Sammy sighed, throwing something into porters arms as he turned around. A mask.

"Hm? A mask? But why?" Porter asked. "No reason. Just.. you know what it doesn't matter." Sammy huffed, "Come on lets go to your friend and Henry, put the mask on if you want, or don't. Do whatever." Sammy huffed as he walked round the corner.

"Bobby! Step back!" Porter yelled as he sprinted at the glass and smashed it in one go. "Ah.. that's.. much harder to break from the inside." Henry chuckled as he climbed out, "Sammy?" Henry mumbled. "Sup Henry." "Haha! You actually remember me?" he cheered, before his happiness was ruined by Sammys response, "Only from the loops and I'm more mentally stable now." "Ooh.. right." Henry sighed awkwardly.

"Porter is that your friend?" Audrey asked. "Mhm!" "How do you know him? and Henry too?" she then enquired afterwards. "Oh, I know Sammy because he's our leader! And my best friend~" he teased the music director to annoy him, "And I know Henry because I talked to him before, iiiin.. hmmh... dunno." "A previous loop. " Henry stated, Porter nodded.

"What do you mean I'm your leader?" Sammy huffed. "Us lost one's almost all of us follow you! And we trust you!" "But I follow my lord, the ink demon?" "Exactly! Isn't bendy so fantastic!!??" Porter chuckled. "Oh porter, I get we were childhood friends when we weren't stuck in this place, but ya don't gotta copy everything I do-" Sammy then paused. "Eh? Childhood friends?" Porter asked. "I.. eh? How did I.. just.. How did I remember so much so suddenly?" Sammy asked in confusion. "Me and you were childhood friends?! WoooAhh, that's amazing!" Porter cheered.

"WOO happy random reunion.. haah.." Audrey mumbled. Sammy sighed, "Hey it was probably just a false memory or a dream mixing with reality. Don't think it's true." "Yeaaah, guys focus. We have to figure out how to get out of here without being caught by the keepers." Henry muttered.

"Oh that isn't that difficult." Sammy huffed as he walked to a wall and placed his hand on it, opening up an ink portal.

The others stood in shock.

"Are you telling me, you could've got out of that room yourself the whole time and you could've freed us both?" Henry facepalmed. "Ehm.. yes?" Sammy muttered. "You absolute fool." Henry groaned.

"Okay but like, hurry up before we get caught." Audrey muttered as she stepped forward and went through the ink first. Following after her was Henry, then porter, then Sammy.

On the other side they arrived at the area with the seats and the large window that overlooked the city, the one where porter and Audrey had found the mini-bendy.

"So we're exploring from here." Porter mumbled.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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