Chapter 1

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 Jess sat on the ground, crying while watching dirty dancing and her phone rings. All Sage hears on the phone is crying, she hangs up, Rushes to Jess's new apartment and doesn't bother knocking as she walks in and stands in front of the tv. "Jessica Damn Day, get off your ass, you're done watching this," she says, giving her some tough love. Nick stands there, staring at Sage in awe. Schmidt bites his lip and looks her up and down.

Sage turns off the tv and looks at the boys. "Sage Sutton, one of Jess' model friends." Schmidt steps forward and grabs her hand that she extended. "Trust me, we can tell." "Jar, Schmidt," Coach states, causing Schmidt to grumble, placing money in the jar. Nick steps forward with sweaty palms. "I-I'm uh, Nick Miller, This douche is Schmidt, and that's Coach." Sage smiles and turns back to Jess. "Look, Honey, I've had a long day, and I'm tired as hell, can we just get you to bed?" Jess slowly nods and lets Sage help her up. "Where's her room?" Nick quickly nods his head for her to follow him. Sage lays Jess down and tucks her in, rubbing her eyes.

Nick and her step outside of Jess' room. "I can, um, get you a shirt or something if you just want to sleep on the couch. I don't think you should drive back home as tired as you are." Sage smiled at him. "That would be great, Nick, thank you." Nick grinned and grabbed her his favorite flannel, showing her the bathroom. Before she can shut the door, Schmidt leans against the doorframe. "You can always sleep with me tonight," he says with a smirk. "Jar," Nick yells from the couch. "I think I'm just gonna stick with the couch, but thank you," Sage says with a laugh and shuts the door.

The black and red flannel is gigantic on her very thin figure, but she doesn't mind, she finds it very comforting, even the smell of it, she loves. As she makes her way into the living room, Nick couldn't help but stare, she looked beautiful wearing his shirt. "I-I, uh, grabbed you an extra blanket," Nick says while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. She gratefully takes it from him. "Thank you." Nick quickly nods his head. "Yeah, uh, I guess I'll see ya in the morning." Sage nods and sits down, watching Nick all but sprint to his room.

Sage wakes up to the sound of Jess on her phone talking to her mom, and Dirty Dancing playing on the TV. "No, look, I gotta go. Okay. Bye, love you." "So the Wild West parties on Saturday. I'm trying to get us in, but you may need to call Caroline." "I'm not calling Caroline." "Nick, hear me out..." "The Wild West party," Sage speaks up, "I can get you guys in." The boys all grin and Jess starts singing, making the boys' faces all fall. "Nuh uh, I've had enough," Sage says and turns off the TV. "Jess, this has got to stop! Spencer was a major dick. Look, I'm taking you to the Wild West party, and you're gonna get laid, and you're gonna get over him." Jess starts crying and pointing at the TV. "Nope. Nuh uh. Get your ass up and get dressed." "Yeah, and in the meantime, you're both coming out with us after work, get a couple of drinks, you know, find ya a rebound for the night," Schmidt says. Jess sits up with a smile. "Going out to get a rebound. Who's that girl, it's Jess." Nick frowns, "did you just make up a theme song for yourself?"

Sage leaves for the day, and comes back to hang out with the group and keep Jess under control. "Beers, and a rose. I gotta say, Sage, didn't see ya as a beer girl." Sage grins. "Gotta be unpredictable," she says, winking at Nick. Nick's cheeks reddens slightly and he turns to Schmidt. "Woah, hot guy alert." "Yeah, no, I'm not gonna be here for this. Need some help, Nick?" Nick grins. "Sure, why not?" Nick leads her behind the bar and leans against it. "So, modeling, huh?" Sage laughs. "Yep, it has its ups and downs, but it's great." Nick smiles. "You know, my dream was to be a lawyer." "Oh, was it now? You'd make a fine lawyer, Nick Miller," Sage says with a wink and laughs. Nick chuckles nervously. "Alright, I think that beer is getting to ya." Sage laughs. "It's gonna take a hell lot more than a few sips of beer to make me tipsy." Nick chuckles again and listens to the boys' conversation. "Why are you friends with them?" "Sage, please tell me you meant it about getting us into that party?" Sage smiles. "Of course, Schmidt."

Sage starts talking to Schmidt and Coach goes off to find a chick. "You know, we could always head back to the apartment..." Sage rolls her eyes and laughs. "I'm afraid I gotta head home, Schimdt. But, what I can do is give you my number?" Schmidt smirks, causing Sage to laugh again and hit his shoulder. "Not like that! You do want in this party, don't ya?" Schmidt sighs and gives her his phone. She pats him on the shoulder as she gives him back his phone, heading to the bar. "Hey, Nick. Imma head out. See ya later?" Nick grins, "Hell ya! I-I mean, sure." Sage chuckles and gives him a hug, writing down her number on a piece of paper. "There's my number. I'll see ya around, Nick Miller." Nick grins and waves at her as she walks out, he turns around pumping his fist in the air.

The next day, Sage and Cece are at the apartment, waiting for Jess to come out. "Do the shoes fit, Jess?" "I'm okay," she says as she falls. "What, you a model or something?" Sage smacks Coach's arm. "Yes, she is. I work with her, will you three be nice?" Schmidt smirks at her. "What was it, Cece? Cecilia? Tell me, what are your hopes and dreams? Are you...are you warm? I'm a little warm right now," he says, pulling off his shirt. "No, Schmidt." "Please put your shirt back on." Both Sage and Cece say together. "Please don't make me laugh at you," Cece adds. "Can I hit you up with some tea? A little herb tea? Oh, oh my god, how good is that? For real, what? A little tea bag action, and I wasn't talking about..." "There it is," Nick says, reaching for the jar. "Douche bag."

Cece and Sage go in to help Jess out, and in return, Jess gets to do Sage's hair. As the three come out, all the guys' eyes fall on Jess, but Nick's quickly fall to Sage. "Wow!" "Thanks, Coach." Jess starts doing her weird dance, causing the boys to look away. "And then she does that." "I'm gonna text him, tell him I'm headed over."

That night, Sage gets to the party early, and hangs out with some of her friends.

The boys get there and Nick asks for Sage. "Hey, Nick!" Sorry, I'm wearing this stupid thing, Schmidt made me do it. Thank you so much for getting us in." "Yeah, of course, no problem. I think I'm almost done out here, if you guys would want to come grab a drink?" Schmidt and Coach shake their heads as they already have their eyes on chicks. "I'd love to." They hear Benjamin and his friend talking about Jess. "You know what, actually instead of that drink, we should all go help out Jess," Sage says.

"Hey, Jess! We're here! For the date!" "You all are on a date?" "Yep. We're reverse Mormons. One just ain't enough for this gal," Sage says. "Hey, Sweety, that guy was a real jerk, a clown." "You guys missed your party for me? Sage, you were working on it!" "Don't worry about it, you're much more important." "Don't start crying." "Stop!" Sage glares at Coach and Nick and Sage start singing for her, both hitting the boys to make them start singing, Jess quickly joining in, then getting kicked out. They all head back to the apartment and watch Dirty Dancing.

"Just for the record, I'd still totally do you, Jess." "Aw thanks, Schmidt," all of them together, "jar."

All Started with a FlannelWhere stories live. Discover now