Chapter 3

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"Okay, I really don't understand why I'm doing this," Sage states as she is in Jess' room with Nick, Jess, and Schmidt. "Why can't you and Winston help, I mean, me pretending to be Nick's girlfriend?" "We've tried to help, Sage, he won't listen to us anymore." "He's right, I don't."

Sage grabs a dress out of the pile she brought. "What about this? It'll match with Nick." Sage holds up a beautiful brown dress that is the same color as Nick's tie. "That is absolutely perfect." Nick gulps harshly and stutters before getting a sentence out . "That's, um, that'll look beautiful on you." "Guys, hurry up, let's go, I'm in the wedding." Sage rolls her eyes with a smile as Winston rambles, putting on the dress.

When Sage stumbles out of the closet in her long brown dress, Nick turns to her, freezing up. "Holy shit, y-you're gorgeous." Sage blushes and twirls as Schmidt whistles.

Once they get to the hotel, Nick laces their arms together, pulling her close. Sage warns Jess about no bubbles before Jess even has the chance to see them. "Oh. Oh, there's Brooke?" "Who's Brooke," Sage asks and looks up at Nick. "He's been into her since freshman year. She used to get drunk and pass out on our porch. It was like having a hot, alcoholic cat." "I'd always leave water out for her. Okay. Tonight just got real. She goes on top of the kill list." "Is that, uh cause you're going to attempt to kill her with sex? You don't mean actually kill her, right?" "More or less,Sage. You can be second on the kill list," Schmidt throws her a quick wink before focusing back on Brooke. Nick hits Schmidt's shoulder harshly. "She's my date, jackass, douche jar the second we get home." Sage laughs slightly and Schmidt ignores him.

As Schmidt signs the guest book, Sage adjusts Nick's tie as he looks around, stressed out. "You need to relax, Nick, Caroline isn't worth all the stress." Nick sighs and closes his eyes for a second, trying hard not to focus on how much he wants it to be Sage adjusting his tie for the rest of his life. "Can we just focus on getting through today, please?" Sage smiles and gives him a nod, swatting at his chest after fixing his tie. "Of course, my lovely boyfriend," she teases, getting a small chuckle from Nick.

When Schmidt starts to notice Gretchen walk over, Nick points in another direction. "Oh there's the people that we know." "Oh, yeah, let's go say hi." Nick wraps an arm around Sage and walks off.

When Nick and Sage get sat down, with Jess on the other side of Sage, Nick spots Caroline and quickly looks at Sage. "There she is, there she is. She's right over there, there she is." Nick stands nervously and Sage pulls him back down and wraps a hand around his tightly in comfort. "Hey, Caroline, wow." Nick leans against Sage and she wraps around his arm. "Didn't know you were gonna be here, great to see you." "Nick, dear, you'll have to introduce me." Nick wraps an arm around Sage's shoulders and leaned into her. "Oh yeah, of course. Sage, this is Caroline." "Hi," Caroline says with a small wave. "One more time, Cara-lee?" "Uh Caroline," Caroline said as she shook Sage's hand. "Caraloo? Coraline?" Sage shoots Nick a subtle smirk as Nick shoots her an annoyed look. "Caroline." "Okay, fancy. Well, I'm Nick's girlfriend. We just started dating, so, you know, we're still in the honeymoon phase. Sooo much sex." Nick closes his eyes for a moment and nods. "Right, so much sex." Sage leans over and kisses his cheek. "Well, uh, it was nice to meet you." "So nice to meet you...Carol?" "Caroline." Sage laughs and gives her a soft 'tsk'. "I guess I'll see you later." She waves at NIck and walks back to her seat. "Oh my god, was she jealous? I think she was jealous. You did so good Absolutely remarkable." NIck kisses her temple quickly and the two sit back in their seats, both grinning.

At the reception, after Sage and Nick have settled down on a seat, Schmidt comes over, saying something about being six months sober and looking to settle down, Sage didn't really pay attention as her eyes fell on Caroline and she starts to caress Nick's face with a giggle, her hand settling on the side of his cheek. "Schmidt's sober. What are you doing?" "Shush, she's watching." Nick turns to see Caroline booking over, starting to get up and walk towards the two. "When she comes over here, I wanna talk to her by myself." "Nick...are you sure?" Nick nods and grabs her hand with a slight squeeze. "Yes, I'm ok, Sage, I'm ok, I swear." Sage sighs and gives him a small nod, smiling at Caroline. "Hi. Could that ceremony have lasted any longer?" "Well, it is a wedding, Carol. We were taking notes, ya know. Just in case this hotty right here, decides to get down on one knee." Sage leans her head against his shoulder with a lovey-dovey smile. Caroline gives her a jealous, sad smile. "Hey, Sage, you really wanted to go do that thing, right?" Sage sighs and gives him a short nod. "Oh, um yeah. I'll be right back. Stay safe." Sage kisses his cheek and stands up, giving a small wave before standing up and walking off.

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