Chapter 4

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 One night, Nick had invited Sage over to watch a horror movie with him and the guys, one they didn't want Jess to watch and ruin for them. Sage was nestled slightly into Nick and next to Winston with Schmidt on the other side of Nick. As a girl screams on the TV, Jess sees the movie. "Ooh. Scary movie. I hate scary movies. Why are we watching this?" Nic sighs next to sage and gestures towards the TV. "We're not watching this, Jess. We're watching it." Even after what Nick says, Jess forces herself in between Nick and Schmidt, causing Nick to move right next to Sage, his arm falling over her shoulders as hers lays right against his chest, causing him to blush ever so slightly. "So fun. Hanging with the dudes, eating ice cream, watching scary movies. We're not scared we're dudes." "Jess, babes, please be quiet." Jess nods and stays quiet for all but a few seconds before whispering, "You know what we should watch? Have you guys ever seen Fame? It's about a group of dreamers with talent to spare..." Sage starts tuning Jess out and leans her head on Nick's chest. She loved that girl dearly, but she still couldn't help but get frustrated when she wanted to listen to something and Jess won't let her. Nick smiled down at her before turning back to the movie when Jess calls it that the guy blows up. All the guys get up and Nick pulls her up with him. Sage let go of his hand and shook her head. "I'm gonna stay with her tonight." Nick nods in understanding and heads to the bar with the guys.

"Sooo, you and Nick," Jess says with a slight giggle. Sage rolls her eyes as the guys had only just stunt the door. "Nothing is going on, Jess," she can't help but smile. "Oh, no. I see the puppy eyes you make at each other. It's so cute. I ship it" Sage laughs and leans her head on Jess. "That is so outdated." Jess laughs and changes the movie to Fame, which Sage has seen a thousand times, but she didn't mind since Jess loved it so much.

That night, Jess convinces Sage to spend the night with her, super excited for a 'sleepover'. Nick obviously hands her his flannel, causing Jess to give her a girlish smirk.

The next morning, Sage gets ready faster than Jess and walks out to hear Nick and Schmidt talking about Nick's date. She can't help the strange feeling in her stomach but she shakes it off and sits down, smirking at Nick. "Ooh, Nicky boy has a date?" Nick blushes slightly and rolls his eyes. "I don't know what it is, she's a little hard to read." Schmidt goes on to talk about his three date packages as Jess comes out. "You have a date? Fun, I wanna talk to you guys about this stuff." "With Amanda." "Amanda?" Sage cringes, she didn't really like that girl, she was so odd. She could never be serious and spoke in critics. "She's a looker, hatchie-matchie." "Ehhh," Sage says quietly, causing Nick to turn to her. "You think I shouldn't go? I shouldn't go." Sage goes up to him and grabs his arm. "No, Nick, you need this. You're moving on from Caroline and I'm so proud of you." Nick couldn't help but grin when she said that, her opinion and praises meant so much to him, but he didn't really understand why. "You'll be fine, Nick, just suck in that gut." Sage glares at Schmidt. "What gut?" "You know, the pouch where you keep those cookies." "Guys, seriously? Be nice. You look great, Nick. You'll be great." Nick smiles at her and heads to his room while Sage heads to Jess's room before she has to head to work.

Later that night, Sage is back at the apartment in Jess's room helping Jess go through a few things for her job as they hear the music blaring from Nick's room. Jess and Sage go to ask him to turn it down when they see him dancing naked in his room, and see a little more than they would have liked, not that Sage was complaining. When Jess runs off with that nervous giggle of hers, Sage slams the door shut with wide eyes, heading into the living room with Jess to talk to the boys.

As Jess tells them that they just saw his 'pee-pee', Sage rolls her eyes. "We saw his penis guys. It's not that big of a deal. Nick comes out of his room in a rush with his hood on and Jess blocks him from leaving. Sage can't help it when Jess starts talking in British. "Babes, just leave him be, we can talk to him later. It's obviously uncomfortable for him." Nick gives her a very small thankful smile as Jess lets him leave.

"Um, ok, I'm gonna head to work, I'll leave you boys to, you know, deal with..." Sage trails off, gesturing towards Jess. "That."

Once Jess visits her and Cece at work, Sage decides to call Nick the next morning, which Nick is hesitant to answer. "Hey, Sage." "Nick, listen, I get that it was awkward what happened yesterday, but it wasn't a big deal. That giggle of Jess's is just a nervous tick she has. I know that you're insecure and all, but it's totally ok. You don't look that bad Nick, and if I were being honest, I would choose you a million times over Schmidt." Nick chuckles, getting a little bit of his pride back. "Thank you." Sage smiles. "Jess is gonna be making it weird for a bit, but just talk to her about things, and yes, I do know about the elevator incident." Nick cringes as he hears her laugh on the other side of the phone. "I'll talk to her later, this means a lot from you, Sage." Sage grins. "Happy to be of service, Nicky boy." Nick chuckles, shaking his head. "I got to get to work but I'll talk to you later." Nick nods and smiles a little. "I'll see ya, Love." Nick says, not even realizing that he used the nickname he had for her at the wedding.

That night, with everything with Jess and Nick, Sage heads over to check in on everyone. After Nick's talk with Jess, Sage heads into his room. Nick brightens up the instant he sees her. "Hey!" "Hey, Nick," she says sitting down next to him on the bed. "How'd things go? You think Amanda will call back?" Nick shakes his head with a slight shrug. "No, but I don't think it was meant to be, ya know? She was a little odd for my liking, crazy, but not my kind of crazy." Sage laughs. "I agree. I honestly think you could have done better. You deserve better than some song and dance, not knowing what's truly felt from the girl." Nick grins at her and leans his head on her shoulder, laying his hand over hers. "You've been a real help lately, Sage. I'm Really glad you're around." Sage smiles and leans her head against the top of his. Nick closes his eyes and smiles, not really understanding how happy she made him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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