Chapter 2

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 Cece, Sage and Jess walk in. "I'm sorry guys, I didn't get the TV." "What happened?" "I mean, seriously, you guys told her to call Spencer?! I mean, you, Schmidt, understandable, but I thought you were better than that, Miller." Nick lowered his head in shame. "What happened?" "He needed a ride to the airport." "What?" "For his new girlfriend." "Are you serious?" "And I'm supposed to pick her up next Sunday." "Oh, my God, Jess," Nick says. Sage looks disappointed at all the boys, but especially Nick. Even though they literally just met, she had grown a fondness for Nick, so she expected better.

Nick starts actually wising up, and both Cece and Sage agree with him, Sage giving him a soft smile. The group hypes her but, and eventually agree to helping her get back her stuff. When Sage hops into the car, she's forced to either sit on Schmidt's lap, or sit on the middle consul, obviously choosing the ladder, leaving a clearly disappointed Schmidt.

As Schmidt and Winston bicker, Sage leans towards Nick. "You proved yourself to be good, Nick. It was really sweet of you to hype her up like that." Nick looks over at her with a smile. "Well, I guess I felt bad, especially cause you get scary when you're mad. I just wanted to make it up to both you and Jess." Sage smiles at him happily and squeezes his shoulder lightly.

All of them cheer as Jess breaks into song and finally pulls over, getting out and marching up to the house. Sage grins at her and they all criticize him and get upset when she hugs him back, but Sage laughs and claps when Jess throws a plant. "That's it babe, break his shit," Sage grins as the others are shocked when she brings out the TV. They all rush out of the car as the TV begins to fall.

Nick pulls Jess off of Spencer as the Sage and the rest rush to grab her things. Sage turns to Spencer and scowls. "You're a piece of shit." Sage kicks him in the balls as Cece goes to grab the rest of Jess' things, taking the shirt off of Spencer and handing it to Jess. Spencer wines on the ground and yells words that they could barely understand.

Jess says her final words and Sage wraps her arm around Jess' shoulders, Nick giving them both a quick fist bump.

Sage stays over to help Jess unload and Sage sits next to Nick as he tapes up the TV. Nick looks over at her and laughs. "What you did was badass. Didn't know you had that in you." Sage grins. "You have no idea how good it felt, I never liked the guy." Nick shakes his head with a chuckle. "Remind me to never get on your bad side." Sage laughs. "Will do, Miller."

Nick gets the TV to work and has the group gather up and he and Sage sit next to each other on the couch, the rest of them quickly joining. The TV slants to the side, and Jess starts naming off movies they could watch, clearly all of them hating the idea of every single one. "Babe, terrible idea." Nick waits for Sage at the door with a questioning look. Sage smiles and looks back at Jess. "Why don't you snuggle up and watch one and we'll bring you back some dessert." Jess grins at the idea and nods, causing Sage to stand up and walk over to Nick. "Love ya, Jess."

Nick leaves the apartment with Sage and shoves his hands in his pockets."So...we never got to get that drink?" Sage smiles and beckons him towards the elevator. "Why don't we go get a couple of beers and go for a walk?" Nick grins at the idea and nods.

Sage, after fighting Nick, buys them each a beer and they head out into the busy streets. "How come you decided to bartend instead of becoming a Lawyer, Nick?" Sage asks. Nick sighs. "I guess I just wanted to prove that I could be something great, ya know? What about you? Why modeling?" Sage shrugs. "When I was a teen, I got really insecure about myself, practically stopped eating. I ran into an agent at a coffee shop, and he wanted me to try it out. It's really helped me gain confidence over the past years, and even better that Cece was by my side." Nick takes a swig of his beer and smiles shyly. "Well, if you looked anything like this back then, I don't see anything to be insecure about." Sage blushes and looks down. "Thank you, Nick."

The two just walk and talk about anything and everything, ending the night with Nick walking her back to her car. "Are you sure you can get home safe? You can always stay with us again, it's pretty late." Sage smiled and shook her head. "I'll be ok, Nick, you saw how I handled Spencer." Nick chuckled and nodded. "Alright, be safe, text me when you get home." Sage laughs and rolls her eyes. "Ok, Mom. Goodnight." Nick sighs and smiles softly. "Goodnight, Sage."

A/n - really sorry for such a late update, but here it is finally. I know it's shorter, but I didn't really get much inspo from episode two. I'm gonna try to update much more often from here out

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