They need to know

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TW- bad language, mentions of abuse
Btw I thought I should show what Paul looks like, so here:

TW- bad language, mentions of abuseBtw I thought I should show what Paul looks like, so here:

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That's what Paul looks like.

I should also mention that Wanda and Pietro are 19 and Mark is 20. Every one else is their original age that they where in Age Of Ultron.

Now let us continue on, :)

Pietro's POV:

I looks at her and grabs her hand, pulling it to my lips and kisses it softly, "I noticed a bruise on your arm when we were eating. Wanda I have ask. Dose he abuse you? Or hurt you in any way?" I asks.

She looks at like like I've just committed a murder before shaking her head, "N-no! Of course not. He only verbally abused me not physically! You all know that."

I grab her other hand in my own, "Sestra.. please be honest.." I ask so softly.

She looks at me, her eyes are soft and glazed in tears, "I am.. I'm being honest.."

"May I see? Can you take of your hoodie and prove it?" I ask, letting go of her hands.

She looks at me before standing up and taking of her hoodie. She was in a sports bra but my heart stopped at the sight of her. Her back was covered in dark bruises as well as some cuts and burn marks here and there.

"Sestra.." I whisper. I stand up and pull her into a hug. Her arms go around my neck, mine go around her waist and I hold her close, letting her cry on my shoulder. She sobs so I pull her down onto the bed and we stay there.

After a little her sobs die down. I lift her faces up, "How many other people know about this?" I asks.

She looks at me, looks at the ground then back up at me, "No one.. I kept this to my self for a long time.." She mumbled, just loud enough so I would hear her.

I kiss her head and tell her the truth. Now that I know we need to tell the others. I knew she didn't want to, she begged to keep it a secret but I feel like this is something that shouldn't be kept a secret.

"Please Pietro.. I don't want them to know." She looks everywhere in the room, avoiding my eyes.

"This is something you need to tell someone about.." I sigh, grabbing her face and gently pulling in to face me.

"I've told you.. so I have told someone about it.. that's good enough for me.." She mumbled.

"Tell me dose not count. You need to tell at least the boys. We're a family, we want you to be safe just like how you want us to be safe.." I smile.

"..Ok but can leave it for a while..? I have to go over to his in a bit and I'll tell them when we get back.."

"No. No no, you are not going to his. He is just gonna hurt you even more if you go over.. tell him your buys and stay here.. please I hate seeing you hurt and in pain.."

She sighs but agrees. She grabs her phone from the bed, turns it on and texts Paul. She quickly turns it of before he could reply and throws the phone on the bed, face down. "Now that's taken care of let's go to the bathroom ok? I wanna clean up those cuts just so they won't get infected." I take her hand and drag her to the bathroom.

I sit her down on the edge of the bathtub while I grab the medical kit underneath the sink. I take it out before I start cleaning the cuts, starting with the biggest ones (that possibly might need stitches) down to the smaller ones that just need a quick clean.

"Right now that's done, is there anything you wanna do? Before we go down to the others?" I ask.

She thinks for a moment before pulling me into a hug, "Thank you Pietro." I smile before kissing her head.

"Of course Sestra.. it's no problem." I reply. She looks up at me, her emerald green eyes are glazed with tears, she gently smiled back and we both walked back into the room. She put her hoodie back on and we went to join the others.

We decided to walk down the stairs instead of taking of elevator. When we got there the boy where play Mario Kart and Bruce and Tony where most lol in the lab.

"Hey guys." I call out as I jump on the couch in between Clint and Steve. Wanda takes a seat beside Mark.

Wanda's POV:

To say that I was scared would most likely by an understatement. I was nervous. I didn't wanna tell them. I kept it a secret for so long, and know the whole group will know.

"Wands.. you ok?" Mark asked over the boys yelling at the game.

"Hmm? Oh y-yea I'm good. I'm great." I smiled at him before turning my attention back to the screen.

"Are you sure? You don't seem like your self." He asked.

"Mark I told you I'm ok. I'm a little tired tho." I replied, not taking my eyes of the screen. He stopped asking after that.

I know I have to tell them. I know I need to tell them. But how am I supposed to tell my family that my boyfriend is abusing me?

It doesn't seem possible..

At all.

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