What really happened

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Wanda's POV:

I quickly turned his phone of and turned on the TV just in time for him to walk back in. I put on the best thing I could find. "You ready?" He asks "catching" my attention.

I nod I'm reply and turn back to the TV. He sits beside me and I cuddle into his side whilst his arm goes around me, a trait that I've always done with those I'm close with, those I consider family, so at least once the boys have had me cuddled against them at least once but hey they don't care.

We get to about 20 minutes in when the door to the rooms opens and out comes the others. "Hey you two, where back." Bruce smiled as he walked up to me a Steve.

"Hey man."
"Hey Bruce."

Are our replies.

Thor asks what we are watching and I reply, they then all walk over to us and sit down with side of me and Steve. I smile but instantly remember the conversation I saw on Steve's phone, deciding on not telling them, I keep quite, saving the conversation for later. Possibly with Pietro, as twins we have promised that under any circumstances would we lie to each other, so if I mention this to him, he'll have to tell the truth.

After the movies over we all head of to go do our own things and do whatever we want.

I sit in my room on my bed. Paul hasn't texted me once today which is unlike him. I lean against the wall and text Pietro to come here. He instantly replies saying he'll be over in just a moment.

About 2 min later a knock is heard from my door, I use my powers to unlock the door and let him in. "Hey little sis, you ok?" He asks.

"I'm literally 12 younger then you." I sigh but smile up at him.

"Still. I'm older." He jumps on the bed beside me, "so what did you wanna talk about?" He asks.

"We'll I wanted to know where did you guys go." I reply.

"Steve didn't tell you? We went into town." He smiles.

"Ok but I saw a conversation between him and Bruce about where you went. Did you guys.. per chance, have to go to.. you know.. Paul?" I ask, getting a little nervous.

"Us go to Paul? No of course not. You must of got it wrong. Did you get it wrong? Oh well. But no we di-"

I stoped his rambling on, "Pietro please. Tel me the truth. What happened to our promise?" I ask.

Pietro sighs and tells me to look inside his head. I oblige and do so.

~Pietros mind~

"We'll be back shortly Steve." Bruce tells him. Steve nodded and carries a sleeping Wanda away.

The rest of us quickly get into the car. "Right. Where dose this bitch live?" Tony demands. Clint gives us the area and Tony starts driving.

It was a long drive. It got boring very quickly so we all where just playing with some weapons we had or playing on our phones. We weren't really talking however me and Mark where texting on our phones.


How do you feel about this
whole thing?

I don't know. I hate knowing my
twin was getting hurt this whole
time and I didn't do anything to
stop it. I felt her get hurt, and it hurt
me badly but when I asked she would
say she walked into something and I let
it be..

It must of hurt you a lot hmm?

It dose. I understand where my sister
is coming from. I'm this situation you
don't really want anyone to know.

Of course she wouldn't. I bet
that even in Wanda's eyes, her
telling us this, she must feel so
weak about it. Almost as if she
was embarrassed about it.

That's Wanda for you. She hates
admitting when she needs help,
Regardless on what it is. It just
hurts me because we promised that
No matter what we would always
tell each other everything, however I
do understand where she is coming from.

A few moments later Tony pulled up on a village. This is wear Paul lives. Away from the city, pretty cleaver if you ask me.

We walked for a little until his house came into view. "Ready boys?" Clint asked us. We all agreed and readied our weapons.

"Let's get revenge for our girl." I mumbled.

Clint walked around to the front of the house and knocked on the door. The rest of us got through various ways like the window, back door, basement.

A few moments later we were all hiding around his living room. Clint and Paul walked in. Clint readied his weapon and since he was behind Paul and attacked him. Due to Paul not realising what happened he was knocked out instantly.

We all came out of hiding and walked over. Clint used a bow and arrow and tied him up on a chair.

"This will teach him to never mess with one of us." Mark hit him across the head to make sure we was really out and then Thor dragged him down the stairs.

We set him up in the basement of his house and waited till he woke up. Once we did, which was about an hour or so, we let him know every little detail.

He acted as if he wasn't scared until Thor gave him a good beating. He was nervous but we were no where near done.

Each of us spent the next hour getting complete revenge over Wanda. Tony stopped once her was unconscious. I untied the rope and chucked him in a corner. Tony wrote on a piece of paper "This will hopefully teach you yero never mess with our girl. And if you do, just know there is much more we haven't done. Way worse. Worse then you can image." And placed it on him.

We all walked out the house, Bruce texted Steve then we went into town.

~End if Pietro's mind~

I slowly pull out of my brothers mind, "I appreciate what you all do for me but you fools.. what if something happened?" I ask concerned.

"Don't worry sis. We have it under control." He kisses my head and pulls me into a hug.

So.. I guess that's what happened then. Interesting.

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