She's Back?

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I'm at my desk writing up my DD5s when I sense someone standing over me. I look up and that's when I see her.. Olivia. My Livvie love, my partner, my best friend and I feel myself hating her. "What're you doing here?" I ask coldly.

"I.. I came back I wanted to see you" she says shakily. I feel like I need to hit something, she left and comes walking back in here as if I had seen her yesterday. "El I'm sorry" she says and I still don't speak. I walk to the cribs and she follows.

"You walked away and you think you can just come back here like everything's OK. You didn't even say goodbye" I say angrily.

"I know I'm sorry" she says tearfully, I know she means it because Liv isn't the crying type.

"I don't want your apology!" I yell.

"But El I..." she trails as tears stream her face.

"I don't wanna hear it Olivia!" I yell and she looks down. "You run away from everyone and everything! You're a coward! And I don't want you in my life!" I yell so loud that I make her jump.

"Fine.. I get it" she says storming out. I punch the wall in frustration before realizing what I'd done. I run after her but I can't see her anywhere. I get outside and see her phone smashed on the floor. Something is really wrong.....

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